Copyright (c) 2013 John L. Jerz

Organic Strategy (Beckham, 1998)
A Proposed Heuristic for a Computer Chess Program (John L. Jerz)
Problem Solving and the Gathering of Diagnostic Information (John L. Jerz)
A Concept of Strategy (John L. Jerz)
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Additional Notes
The Case for Using Probabilistic Knowledge in a Computer Chess Program (John L. Jerz)
Resilience in Man and Machine

When the old ways of doing things don't seem to work anymore, consider nature as the model for organizational strategies.

p.2 Strategy is everything... How the organization intends to get into the future must be its constant obsession.
p.2 Evolution is the machinery of change. Things evolve as the result of mindless iterations constantly tested against the environment for usefulness. The most useful will be sustained; the less useful will wither away. Every iteration of life, no matter how complex, is the result of evolution. Hydrogen evolves into water; water and carbon evolve into membranes that entrap amino acids. The amino acids evolve into proteins. They replicate and off we go. Life is inevitable. Hydrogen, given enough time, evolves into man. Implication: Successful organizational evolution requires continuous experimentation. The more possibilities you throw at the environment, the more fit you'll be for survival. Continuously make lots of small bets.
p.2 Things will self-organize. Without help... You don't have to work so hard at organizing things. They'll organize themselves and do so in a way that's sustainable.
p.3 The only way to keep from falling apart is to constantly disassemble and reassemble yourself... The only way to sustain an organization is to regularly take it apart and reassemble it.
p.3 Relationships shape and define every corner of the universe. It is impossible to know whether something exists except through a relationship with it. Without relationships, reality cannot be defined. Organisms evolve by relating with other organisms and their environment... You can understand your organization only by understanding its relationships. You can understand the people in the organization only through their relationships with each other. If you're really a system, then you ought to be focused more on interactions than actions.
p.3 Nature emerges from the laws of physics
p.3 I suggest that we model our organizational strategies on those of nature.
p.5 Evolution is a possibility generator.

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