Copyright (c) 2013 John L. Jerz

Universal Artificial Intelligence (Hutter, 2004)

A Proposed Heuristic for a Computer Chess Program (John L. Jerz)
Problem Solving and the Gathering of Diagnostic Information (John L. Jerz)
A Concept of Strategy (John L. Jerz)
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Viva La Vida
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Quotes Concerning Problem Solving
Computer Chess
Chess Analysis
Early Computers/ New Computers
Problem Solving/ Creativity
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Additional Notes
The Case for Using Probabilistic Knowledge in a Computer Chess Program (John L. Jerz)
Resilience in Man and Machine


Book Description - ***This Book is Difficult to Read***
Very ambitious project. , [review from]
This book differs from most books on the theoretical formulations of artificial intelligence in that it attempts to give a more rigorous accounting of machine learning and to rank machines according to their intelligence. To accomplish this ranking, the author introduces a concept called `universal artificial intelligence,' which is constructed in the context of algorithmic information theory. In fact, the book could be considered to be a formulation of artificial intelligence from the standpoint of algorithmic information theory, and is strongly dependent on such notions as Kolmogorov complexity, the Solomonoff universal prior, Martin-Lof random sequences and Occam's razor. These are all straightforward mathematical concepts with which to work with, the only issue for researchers being their efficacy in giving a useful notion of machine intelligence.

The author begins the book with a "short tour" of what will be discussed in the book, and this serves as helpful motivation for the reader. The reader is expected to have a background in algorithmic information theory, but the author does give a brief review of it in chapter two. In addition, a background in sequential decision theory and control theory would allow a deeper appreciation of the author's approach. In chapter four, he even gives a dictionary that maps concepts in artificial intelligence to those in control theory. For example, an `agent' in AI is a `controller' in control theory, a `belief state' in AI is an `information state' in control theory, and `temporal difference learning' in AI is `dynamic programming' or `value/policy iteration' in control theory. Most interestingly, this mapping illustrates the idea that notions of learning, exploration, adaptation, that one views as "intelligent" can be given interpretations that one does not normally view as intelligent. The re-interpretation of `intelligent' concepts as `unintelligent' ones is typical in the history of AI and is no doubt responsible for the belief that machine intelligence has not yet been achieved.

The author's formulations are very dependent on the notion of Occam's razor with its emphasis on simple explanations. The measurement of complexity that is used in algorithmic information theory is that of Kolmogorov complexity, which one can use to measure the a prior plausibility of a particular string of symbols. The author though wants to use the `Solomonoff universal prior', which is defined as the probability that the output of a universal Turing machine starts with the string when presented with fair coin tosses on the input tape. As the author points out, this quantity is however not a probability measure, but only a `semimeasure', since it is not normalized to 1, but he shows how to bound it by expressions involving the Kolmogorov complexity.

v The dream of creating artificial devices that reach or outperform human intelligence is an old one. It is also one of the dreams of my youth, which have never left me.
p.3 An important and nontrivial aspect of intelligence is inductive inference. Simply speaking, induction is the process of predicting the future from the past, or, more precisely, it is the process of finding rules in (past) data and using these rules to guess future data... Making good predictions plays a central role in natural and artificial intelligence in general, and in machine learning in particular.
p.31 Generally speaking, induction is the process of predicting the future from the past, or more precisely, it is the process of finding rules in (past) data and using these rules to guess future data... Making good predictions plays a central role in natural and artificial intelligence in general, and in machine learning in particular.
p.126 A good way to start thinking about intelligent systems is to consider more generally cybernetic systems, in AI usually called agents. This avoids having to struggle with the meaning of intelligence from the very beginning.
p.173 All tasks that require intelligence to be solved can naturally be formulated as a maximization of some expected utility in the framework of agents.

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