Copyright (c) 2013 John L. Jerz

Artificial Intelligence - The Very Idea (Haugeland, 1989)

A Proposed Heuristic for a Computer Chess Program (John L. Jerz)
Problem Solving and the Gathering of Diagnostic Information (John L. Jerz)
A Concept of Strategy (John L. Jerz)
Books/Articles I am Reading
Quotes from References of Interest
Satire/ Play
Viva La Vida
Quotes on Thinking
Quotes on Planning
Quotes on Strategy
Quotes Concerning Problem Solving
Computer Chess
Chess Analysis
Early Computers/ New Computers
Problem Solving/ Creativity
Game Theory
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Additional Notes
The Case for Using Probabilistic Knowledge in a Computer Chess Program (John L. Jerz)
Resilience in Man and Machine


 "Haugeland has done an outstanding job of putting the central ideas and claims of AI in perspective - and this is something no one has yet done well."
-- Daniel C. Dennett, Tufts University

"A delightfully well written book highlighting many of the deep and important issues forming the foundation of artificial intelligence and, in fact, of all cognitive science."
-- Contemporary Psychology

"[An] amusing and wide ranging study... As well as containing concise and sharp definitions of fundamental issues in the philosophy of logic and meaning, the book has excellent summaries of basic computer architectures and hot topics in AI research."
-- Times Literary Supplement

p.4 According to a central tradition in Western philosophy, thinking (intellection) essentially is rational manipulation of mental symbols (viz., ideas)... Computers... can manipulate arbitrary "tokens" in any specified manner whatsoever; so apparently we need only arrange for those tokens to be symbols, and the manipulations to be specified as rational, to get a machine that thinks... computers actually do something very like what minds are supposed to do. Indeed, if that traditional theory is correct, then our imagined computer ought to have "a mind of its own": a (genuine) artificial mind.
p.4-5 According to the symbol manipulation theory, intelligence depends only on a system's organization and functioning as a symbol manipulator... if Artificial Intelligence really has... much more to do with abstract principles of mental organization, then the distinctions among AI, psychology, and even philosophy of mind seem to melt away. One can study those basic principles using tools and techniques from computer science, or with the methods of experimental psychology, or in traditional philosophical terms - but it's the same subject in each case... For [this] new "unified" field, [experts] have coined the name cognitive science.
p.11 given a system capable of knowing, how can we make it capable of acquiring?... AI has discovered that knowledge itself is extraordinarily complex and difficult to implement - so much so that even the general structure of a system with common sense is not clear. Accordingly, it's far from apparent what a learning system needs to acquire; hence the project of acquiring some can't get off the ground [5].
   In other words, Artificial Intelligence must start by trying to understand knowledge (and skills and whatever else is acquired) and then, on that basis, tackle learning... But it does not appear that learning is the most basic problem, let alone a shortcut or a natural starting point.
p.12 What gets programmed directly is just a bunch of general information and principles, not unlike what teachers instill in their pupils. What happens after that, what the system does with all this input, is not predictable by the designer (or the teacher or anyone else.) The most striking current examples are chess machines that outplay their programmers, coming up with brilliant moves that the latter would never have found. Many people are amazed by this fact; but if you reflect that invention is often just a rearrangement (more or less dramatic) of previously available materials, then it shouldn't seem so surprising.
p.50 formal systems are self-contained; the "outside world" (anything not included in the current position) is strictly irrelevant. For instance, it makes no difference to a chess game, as such, if the chess set is stolen property [perhaps it was purchased at a pawn shop - JLJ] or if the building is on fire or if the fate of nations hangs on the outcome - the same moves are legal in the same position, period.
p.57-58 Consider the difference between accidentally messing up a chess game and a billiards game. Chess players with good memories could reconstruct the position perfectly (basically because displacing the pieces by fractions of an inch wouldn't matter). A billiards position, by contrast, can never be reconstructed perfectly... The digitalness of formal systems is profoundly relevant to Artificial Intelligence... Formal systems are independent of the medium in which they are "embodied".
p.83 Obviously the chooser [of the move to play in a game of chess] needn't always find the best move; even the greatest champions don't play perfect chess. The goal, rather, is a system that chooses relatively well most of the time. In other words, an infallible test for the better move (i.e., an algorithm) is not really required; it would be enough to have a fairly reliable test, by which the machine could usually eliminate the worst choices and settle on a pretty good one. Such fallible but "fairly reliable" procedures are called heuristics (in the AI literature)... There are many rules of thumb for better chess.
p.99-100 Formal systems can be interpreted; their tokens can be assigned meanings and taken as symbols about the outside world. This may be less than shocking news by now; but a century ago the development of interpreted formal systems was a major innovation, with revolutionary consequences throughout logic and mathematics. Moreover, if Artificial Intelligence is right, the mind is a (special) interpreted formal system - and the consequences will be even more revolutionary for psychology.
p.106 A computer is an interpreted automatic formal system - that is to say, a symbol-manipulating machine.
p.176-177 Artificial Intelligence... The proud parents were a prolific team of three: Allen Newell, Cliff Shaw, and Herbert Simon... The essential difference between Newell, Shaw, and Simon (hereafter NS&S) and earlier work in cybernetics and machine translation was their explicit focus on thinking.
   More specifically, they conceived of intelligence as the ability to solve problems; and they conceived of solving problems as finding solutions via heuristically guided search... it's easy enough to cast ordinary activity, or even conversation, as a series of mental quests...Every search has two basic aspects: its object (what is being looked for) and its scope (the region or set of things within which the object is sought). For actual system design, each aspect must be made explicit, in terms of specific structures and procedures. For instance, a system cannot seek an object that it couldn't recognize: it has to be able to "tell" when it reaches its goal. Consequently, the design must include a practical (executable) test for success, and that test then effectively defines what the system is really seeking.
     The designer must also invent some procedure for working through the relevant search space more or less efficiently... More generally, any well-designed searcher needs a practical generator that comes up with prospective solutions by slogging methodically through relevant possibilities; and again, the generator itself then defines the effective search space.
    Given a concrete system with procedures for generating and testing potential solutions, the basic structure of search becomes an alternating cycle: the generator proposes a candidate, and the tester checks it out. If the test succeeds, the search is finished; if not, the system returns to the generator and goes around again (at least until the search space is exhausted).
p.178 Thus I boldly predict that no computer will ever play perfect chess by means of exhaustive search.
  This difficulty is called, picturesquely but vividly, the combinational explosion.
p.178-179 In one way or another, controlling or circumventing combinatorial explosion has been a central concern of Artificial Intelligence from its inception; the issue is broad and deep.
   In general, therefore, search must be selective, that is, partial and risky. The crucial insight, however, is that the selection need not be random. Newell, Shaw, and Simon propose that problem-solving search always follows heuristic guidelines... thereby dramatically improving the odds; they even suggest that the degree of improvement (over random chance) is one measure of a system's intelligence. Applying such heuristics, then, is what it means to think about a hard problem, trying to find a solution. And the challenge of designing an intelligent machine reduces to the chore of figuring out and implementing suitable "powerful" heuristics for it to employ.
p.184,186 The idea of using explicit selection heuristics to tame the combinatorial explosion is a major intellectual milestone. It was perhaps the crucial element in actually launching the field of Artificial Intelligence, and it has been a conceptual mainstay ever since... Genuine intelligence calls for a fuller, more versatile familiarity with the objects and events within its ken [mental perception].
p.209 AI systems seem to lack the flexible, even graceful "horse sense" by which people adjust and adapt to unexpected situations and surprising results.

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