Copyright (c) 2013 John L. Jerz

Blackwell Handbook of Judgment and Decision Making (Koehler, Harvey, 2004)

A Proposed Heuristic for a Computer Chess Program (John L. Jerz)
Problem Solving and the Gathering of Diagnostic Information (John L. Jerz)
A Concept of Strategy (John L. Jerz)
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Game Theory
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The Case for Using Probabilistic Knowledge in a Computer Chess Program (John L. Jerz)
Resilience in Man and Machine


The Blackwell Handbook of Judgment and Decision Making is a state-of-the art overview of current topics and research in the study of how people make evaluations, draw inferences, and make decisions under conditions of uncertainty and conflict. Chapters are contributed by experts in the field from various disciplines such as psychology, cognitive science, business, and law. The selection of topics reflects current trends and controversies in judgment and decision-making research. Each chapter provides an overview of important past research and a report on current research and future directions in various areas in the study of human judgment and decision making.The book:provides a glimpse at the many approaches that have been taken in the study of judgment and decision making, including bounded rationality, computational modeling, and the heuristics and biases approach portrays the major findings in the field and covers topics such as probabilistic reasoning, hypothesis testing, multiattribute choice, and decision making under risk and uncertainty presents examinations of the broader roles of social, emotional, and cultural influences on decision making explores applications of judgment and decision-making research to important problems in a variety of professional contexts, including finance, accounting, medicine, public policy, and the law.

p.5 The field of judgment and decision making is mainly concerned with action and with judgments that are useful in decision making about action. Thus the field should tell us a great deal about practical reasoning.
p.77,78 Research suggests that people hardly ever make conscious decisions about which heuristic to use, but that they quickly and unconsciously tend to adapt heuristics to changing environments, provided there is feedback (Payne et al., 1993)... A good heuristic needs to be robust. Robustness is the ability to make predictions about the future or new events
p.80 The general lesson is that in judgments under uncertainty, one has to ignore information in order to make good predictions. The art is to ignore the right kind. Heuristics that promote simplicity, such as using the best reason that allows one to make a decision and ignore the rest, have a good chance of focusing on the information that generalizes.
p.112-113 A core idea of the information-processing approach is that conscious attention is the scarce resource for decision makers (Simon, 1978). Thus, people are generally highly selective about what information is attended to and how it is used.  Understanding what drives selective attention in decision making is a critical task for decision research... Importantly, people may be unaware that their attention has been focused on certain aspects of the task environment, and that their decisions consequently have been influenced... If attention is the scarce resource of the decision maker, then helping individuals manage attention is critical for improving decisions... The distinction between the cost of processing an item of information and the cost of acquiring information is related to the idea of attention as the scarce resource... An increase in the cognitive (or emotional) cost of processing an item of information, like the cost of acquiring an item of information, will lead to greater use of simplification mechanisms that minimize information processing.
p.120 if a decision maker wants to achieve both a reasonably high level of accuracy and low effort (by using heuristics), he or she must use a repertoire (toolbox) of heuristic strategies, with selection contingent upon situational demands.
p.220 The ability to accurately perceive relationships in the environment is an essential component of adaptive behavior, as it allows powers of explanation, control, and prediction.
p.274 Forecasting involves making predictions about an unknown question or issue. My focus here is on why uncertainty and complexity pose special challenges in forecasting and what to do about this... The LH case (low uncertainty- high complexity) typically requires the formulation of a deterministic model in which the key variables of interest are explicitly related to each other.

p.281 When constructing models, in order to combine the multiple factors that matter, people often harbor simplistic notions about cause and effect (Tversky & Kahneman, 1980; Einhorn & Hogarth, 1986). They may ignore feedback loops or secondary interactions (Sterman, 1989, 1999). Surprisingly, intuitive predictions involving multiple variables are usually outperformed by linear regression models based on those very judgments (known as bootstrapping). Combining human and mechanical predictions typically beats either alone (Blattberg & Hoch, 1990; Hoch, 1994, 2001). The challenge is to discover the valid component of intuitive judgment amid the extensive noise that surrounds it (Whitecotton, Sanders, & Norris, 1998). Recent approaches in statistics have tried to address the LH case [Low uncertainty - high complexity] using vector autoregression (Tiao, 2001).
p.283 Tools to Improve Prediction [section title] Low uncertainty- high complexity (LH case) In this case, the number of variables involved, and their relationships, will require a more systematic analysis. LH cases are typically amenable to some form of deterministic modeling. A simple approach would be to start with assumption analysis (Mason & Mitroff, 1981) since this may identify gaps or distortions in the fabric of presumed interrelationship. Next, an influence diagram could be constructed and/or an entire system dynamic model (see Sterman, 2000) to fully appreciate causal linkages over time (Einhorn & Hogarth, 1986). Another approach to consider is discovery-driven planning (McGarth & MacMillan, 1995), in which one works backward to see what assumptions and interim achievements would be required to achieve a particular end state. This technique will also help identify key drivers that should be monitored closely so that timely adjustments can be made in the forecasts if needed. In addition to these more holistic approaches, more focused techniques exist to improve the quality of judgments when matters get complex. Reason generation, role-playing, imagining unusual outcomes (outliers), comparisons against past cases, and panel techniques like Delphi polling can all improve judgments about input variables or causal relationships (see Armstrong, 2001).
p.301,302 Experts can use their detailed mental models, coupled with their understanding of the current state of the situation, to construct simulations of how the situation is going to develop in the future, and thereby generate predictions and expectations... Experts spend relatively more time analyzing the situation than deliberating about a course of action, whereas non-experts show the reverse trend.. The richer mental models of experts enable them to identify atypicalities and therefore adjust the story they are developing to explain events... Expert decision makers tend to use their mental models to fill gaps with assumptions, to mentally simulate and project into the future, to formulate information seeking tactics.
p.486 Game theory is a branch of mathematics that provides a framework for modeling and predicting behavior in social situations of cooperation, coordination, and conflict.
p.496 Strategic thinking in games requires players to form beliefs about what opponents will do.

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