p.17 Programs that tread on brand new territory (whether it be with respect
to application, architecture, interface, or algorithm) rarely work the first time. Fred Brooks, in his Mythical Man Month,
makes this perfectly clear with his advice, "Plan to throw one away; you will anyway."
p.76 A critical aspect of all engineering disciplines is the elaboration
of multiple approaches, trade-off analyses among them, and the eventual adoption of one. After requirements are agreed upon,
you must examine a variety of architectures and algorithms.
p.108 The structure of data and the structure of programs manipulating that data are intimately
interrelated... When preparing to write a program, you should develop the algorithms and data structures together.
p.109 It is far easier to adapt a working program to make it run faster than to adapt a fast program to
make it work. Don't worry about optimization when doing your initial coding.