p.6 Decisions are embedded in task cycles that consist of defining
what the problem is, understanding what a reasonable solution would look like, taking action to reach that goal, and evaluating
the effects of that action... The problem of decision making, as seen in this framework, is a matter of directing
and maintaining the continuous flow of behavior towards some set of goals rather than as a set of discrete episodes involving
choice dilemmas. [Brehmer, 1990]
p.11 Experts can see underlying causes and have more complex models of the problem than novices
(Larkin, McDermott, Simon, & Simon, 1980).
p.14 [Hubner, 1986, p.121] Decision behavior seems to depend on the decision maker's representation
of the system, and the goal(s), plans, actions, etc. which are based upon the representation and goal(s)