Copyright (c) 2013 John L. Jerz

Evaluating Influence Diagrams (Crowley, 2004)

A Proposed Heuristic for a Computer Chess Program (John L. Jerz)
Problem Solving and the Gathering of Diagnostic Information (John L. Jerz)
A Concept of Strategy (John L. Jerz)
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The Case for Using Probabilistic Knowledge in a Computer Chess Program (John L. Jerz)
Resilience in Man and Machine

[JLJ An Influence Diagram is an excellent theoretical concept to use as one component of an evaluation function for a computer playing a game. It needs to be matched with an effective strategy for focusing the machine's efforts on the moves that are promising, interesting, risk mitigating and resilient in the face of unknown, future threats.]

p.1 This paper will look at the development of influence diagrams from their beginnings in decision analysis to their current important place in many areas of computer science including artificial intelligence. We will layout the different methods used to optimize decisions using influence diagrams by computing them directly or via conversions to other models such as decision graphs and bayesian networks. The latter type in particular will be looked at in depth and it will be contrasted against the performance of various algorithms.

p.1 Influence diagrams (IDs) were proposed by Howard and Matheson [HM03] as a tool to simplify modelling and analysis of decision trees. Decision trees represent each decision or chance variable as a new level in a tree. The leaves of the tree are utilities that express which ending configurations are more desirable. Solving a decision problem requires finding the optimal path through this tree that maximizes expected utility.

p.3 IDs [Influence Diagrams] have several known advantages over decision trees. They simplify modelling by allowing the analyst to specify single nodes that represent entire probability distributions over nearly arbitrary relationships with other variables. We still limit ourselves to regularity as defined above and no loops but this still provides a level of expression not possible with trees... influence diagrams have much to offer if they can be evaluated efficiently.

p.3 Cooper [Coo88] converted the ID problem to a BN [Bayesian Network] problem in the following way. An influence diagram is essentially very similar to a bayesian network already, all that is required is to ensure that all nodes have proper probability distributions associated with them to allow us to perform inference.

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