Copyright (c) 2013 John L. Jerz

Emergence (Holland, 1999)

A Proposed Heuristic for a Computer Chess Program (John L. Jerz)
Problem Solving and the Gathering of Diagnostic Information (John L. Jerz)
A Concept of Strategy (John L. Jerz)
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Computer Chess
Chess Analysis
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The Case for Using Probabilistic Knowledge in a Computer Chess Program (John L. Jerz)
Resilience in Man and Machine

From Chaos to Order


"Emergence" is the notion that the whole is more than the sum of its parts. John Holland, a MacArthur Fellow known as the "father of genetic algorithms," says this seemingly simple notion will be at the heart of the development of machines that can think for themselves. And while he claims that he'd rather do science than write about it, this is his second scientific philosophy book intended to increase public understanding of difficult concepts (his first was Hidden Order: How Adaptation Builds Complexity). One of the questions that Holland says emergence theory can help answer is: can we build systems from which more comes out than was put in? Think of the food replicators in the imaginary future of Star Trek--with some basic chemical building blocks and simple rules, those machines can produce everything from Klingon delicacies to Earl Grey tea. If scientists can understand and apply the knowledge they gather from studying emergent systems, we may soon witness the development of artificial intelligence, nanotech, biological machines, and other creations heretofore confined to science fiction. Using games, molecules, maps, and scientific theories as examples, Holland outlines how emergence works, emphasizing the interrelationships of simple rules and parts in generating a complex whole. Because of the theoretical depth, this book probably won't appeal to the casual reader of popular science, but those interested in delving a little deeper into the future of science and engineering will be fascinated. Holland's writing, while sometimes self-consciously precise, is clear, and he links his theoretical arguments to examples in the real world whenever possible. Emergence offers insight not just to scientific advancement, but across many areas of human endeavor--business, the arts, even the evolution of society and the generation of new ideas. --Therese Littleton

From Library Journal
Emergence, where simple systems generate complex ones, is a fundamental concept in many modern scientific theories. Phenomena as diverse as a game of checkers, neural networks, and even the origin of life are emergent. Holland, the developer of "genetic algorithms," demonstrates how mathematical models can represent the essential elements of emergent systems. Though the subject is arcane, Holland's emphasis on modeling appeals to readers' common sense, and he handles the mathematics very adeptly. Frequent recapitulation also helps. Most of the text focuses on the model-building process, with a few selected examples, and thus this book would be a good companion to others that are broader and more speculative, such as Murray Gell-Mann's The Quark and the Jaguar (LJ 4/15/94). For larger public and academic libraries. --Gregg Sapp, Univ. of Miami Lib., Coral Gables, Fla.

p.4, 5 Although model building is not usually considered critical in the construction of scientific theory, I would claim that it is... If the model is well conceived, it makes possible prediction and planning and it reveals new possibilities.
p.11, 12 models, above all, make anticipation and prediction possible... In one sense, all of science is based on model construction.
p.13-14 The program for studying emergence set forth here depends on reduction. Complicated systems are described in terms of interactions of simpler systems.
p.14 For emergence, the whole is indeed more than the sum of the parts. To see this, let us look again at chess. We cannot get a representative picture of a game in progress by simply adding the values of the pieces on the board. The pieces interact to support one another and to control various parts of the board. This interlocking power structure, when well conceived, can easily overwhelm an opponent with higher-valued pieces that are poorly arrayed. A valid analysis of the game's setting must provide a direct way of describing these interactions.
p.23 Board games are a simple example of the emergence of great complexity from simple rules or laws... Chess and Go have enough emergent properties that they continue to intrigue us and offer new discoveries after centuries of study.
p.28 As we search for deeper understanding of the relation between numbers and models, maps are an appropriate starting point. Maps eliminate detail in a straightforward way and, like games, they are among the earliest model-artifacts. Moreover, our longer-range objective, a general setting for emergent processes, is a kind of map, so a better understanding of maps will help define that objective.
p.38 In any game that is at all complex, a game plan or strategy is vital for effective play. Roughly, a strategy is a prescription that tells us what to do as the game unfolds; it specifies a sequence of decisions.
p.41 the [recent chess-playing computer] programs are highly selective in the way they search the tree [of possible game continuations]... we define strategies in much the same way we define games, via a set of rules. The rules in the case of strategies are usually rules of thumb... Such rules pick out game features that... are relevant to decisions at various points in the game... In this way we obtain an effective reduction of the enormous size of the game tree and make possible an overall prescription that controls play throughout the game... Even if the strategy has some components that are not easily described in terms of building blocks, it is a valuable starting point for modeling the strategy.
p.42 all players are simultaneously trying to build models of what the other players are doing.
p.43 the computer is continually getting into parts of the move tree not previously observed... What, if anything, shows the regularity and predictability we expect of emergent patterns?
  Though prediction is difficult in these circumstances, it is not a hopeless task... weather models do not yield exact predictions... Nevertheless, modern weather prediction is very helpful... It does forecast the likelihood of rain... it does give the likely temperature ranges
p.44 The key to effective weather prediction, then, is the discovery and use of the mechanisms (building blocks) that generate weather... The key to deeper understanding, as with weather prediction, is to determine the level of detail and the relevant mechanisms... Using mechanisms as building blocks, we can construct models that exhibit emergent phenomena in much the same way that interacting strategies in a game produce patterns of interaction... perpetual novelty renders it difficult to make predictions, even when the mechanisms (rules) and the initial state are specified.
p.45,46,48 To build a dynamic model we have to select a level of detail that is useful, and then we have to capture the laws of change at that level of detail... There is, of course, no guarantee that we can find simple laws of change for the level of detail selected. Indeed, the art of model building turns on selecting a level of detail that admits simple laws... If the transition function (law) is "faithful", we can make predictions into the indefinite future. Knowing the current state and input, we can determine the next state.... by simply iterating the use of the transition function, we can explore future possibilities... The (usually simple) specification of a model - the transition function - can yield a limitless array of consequences and predictions. A well-conceived model can, like chess, yield organized complexities that repay decades and centuries of study. Moreover, these complexities may involve possibilities not conceived by the modeler
p.54 just what is it that [Art] Samuel [creator of an early checkers-playing computer program] was modeling? He was not attempting a detailed model of the thought processes of humans playing checkers. Rather, he was working at the level of strategies. He selected building blocks describing features of the game relevant to good play, and then provided ways of weighting and combining these building blocks to define strategies... The principles and rules of thumb uncovered - clarifying the exploration of options (lookahead), subgoals, modeling the actions of other players, and learning in the absence of reinforcement... have a central role in agent-based models of emergence and innovation.
p.55 The [Art Samuel computer-based] checkersplayer had to learn about early "stage-setting" moves that make possible later obviously good moves. Stage-setting is the very essence of winning game play... human players can usually acquire and use such knowledge... The checkersplayer must be able to emulate such performance.
p.65 A primate, for instance, ...can only react to things it can detect. Similarly, Samuel's checkersplayer can only react to situations its features {vi} can distinguish.
p.75 It was a stroke of genius on the part of [Art] Samuel [creator of an early checkers-playing computer program] to use his sum of weighted features, V, as an internal model of the opponent. With this one stroke he (a) greatly amplifies V's power as a predictor, (b) makes possible rapid, sophisticated learning in the absence of reinforcement, (c) uses model-based anticipation (lookahead) as a basis for learning, and (d) nicely implements [Hans] Berliner's exhortation to avoid big mistakes.
p.76 Learning in complex environments requires a defined procedure for discerning early actions that set up later, obviously good responses... In multiagent environments, emergent phenomena often arise from anticipation of the actions of other agents.
p.78, 79 Credit to Stage Setting
Good play in a board game comes from subtle, stage-setting moves... that make possible later, obviously good moves... The trick is to provide appropriate weights to features [JLJ or structures] that influence the choices that set the stage... In effect, these features define subgoals to be sought in the absence of an obvious direction. Their weights must come to favor choices leading to later, obvious advantage [JLJ or, in effect, positions that are deemed promising and only later determined to be of obvious advantage].
p.122, 123, 124 what can we say about a general setting for the discussion of emergence? What form should it take? ... By now it's clear that the setting must take modeling as its central concern: the setting must provide a way to model a wide range of real systems that exhibit emergence ... the setting must capture the organized perpetual novelty that we expect from games and other rule-based models... one recurring theme is essential to emergence: in each case there is a procedure for freely generating possibilities, coupled to a set of constraints that limit those possibilities... It is the thesis of this book that the study of emergence is closely tied to this ability to specify a large, complicated domain via a small set of "laws." ...Agents [the components that make up our system of interest] are all described in terms of rules or laws that determine their behavior in a larger context... The input state is determined by the immediate environment of the agent, and the output state determines the agent's effect on its immediate environment... we are ready to start laying out a general setting for the study of emergence via constrained generating procedures.
p.148 The very essence of an agent-based model is that individual agents are in direct contact with only a limited number of other agents (often only one other) at any given time.
p.215, 216 When we play a game regularly, we begin to see certain kinds of patterns... that serve as building blocks for longer-term, more subtle strategies. We use these patterns to select parts of the game tree, ignoring the overwhelming range of nonproductive or uninteresting possibilities that make up most of the tree... Constrained by feasibility, both human and program must find promising sequences in a vast space of combinations. Anticipation-based salient features and sequences, in the manner of directed saccades [ A rapid intermittent eye movement, as that which occurs when the eyes fix on one point after another in the visual field], offer great advantages over exhaustive search

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