VII Although this may seem a paradox, all exact science is dominated by the idea of approximation.
Bertrand Russell (1872-1970)
VIII Most of the algorithm design effort actually goes into understanding the algorithmically relevant
combinatorial structure of the problem. The algorithm exploits this structure in a minimalistic manner. The exposition
of algorithms in this book will also follow this analogy, with emphasis on stating the structure offered by problems, and
keeping the algorithms minimalistic.
p.1 An optimization problem is polynomial time solvable [JLJ - from Wikipedia, In computational
complexity theory, polynomial time refers to the computation time of a problem where the run time, m(n), is no greater
than a polynomial function of the problem size, n. For example, the quicksort sorting algorithm on n integers performs at
most An*n operations for some constant A. Thus it runs in time O(n*n) and is a polynomial time algorithm. ] only if
it has the algorithmically relevant combinatorial structure that can be used as "footholds" to efficiently home in on an optimal
solution. The process of designing an exact polynomial time algorithm is a two-pronged attack: unraveling
this structure in the problem and finding algorithmic techniques that can exploit this structure.
p.1 So, at a high level, the process of design of approximation algorithms is not very different
from that of design of exact algorithms. It still involves unraveling the relevant structure and finding
algorithmic techniques to exploit it. Typically, the structure turns out to be more elaborate, and often the algorithmic
techniques result from generalizing and extending some of the powerful algorithmic tools developed in the study of exact algorithms.
p.72 if the algorithm had to resort to exhaustive search, does the problem really offer "footholds"
to home in on a solution efficiently? [JLJ - a really good question. Perhaps the experts in computer chess search
techniques can answer this question]
p.249 First, let us recall the fundamental technique of Lagrangian relaxation from combinatorial optimization.
This technique consists of relaxing a constraint by moving it into the objective function, together with an associated Lagrangian
p.250 the global constraint that at most k facilities be opened has been replaced with a penalty
for opening facilities, the penalty being the Lagrangian multiplier.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A relaxation technique is a method in mathematical optimization for relaxing a strict requirement,
by either substituting for it another more easily handled requirement or else dropping it completely. Relaxation techniques
are commonly used in place of branch and bound algorithms, or to obtain bounds in those algorithms.