Copyright (c) 2013 John L. Jerz

Constraint-Based Local Search (Van Hentenryck, Michel, 2005)

A Proposed Heuristic for a Computer Chess Program (John L. Jerz)
Problem Solving and the Gathering of Diagnostic Information (John L. Jerz)
A Concept of Strategy (John L. Jerz)
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Computer Chess
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The Case for Using Probabilistic Knowledge in a Computer Chess Program (John L. Jerz)
Resilience in Man and Machine


"Van Hentenryck and Michel provide a long-overdue synthesis of work in local search. This is supported by the development of a programming language that is optimized for local search and the use of this language to solve numerous difficult problems previously addressed by ad hoc heuristics and general-purpose metaheuristics. Their book will be a valuable addition to the literature for both students and researchers."
—John W. Chinneck, Professor, Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa

"Constraint-Based Local Search presents a powerful new programming language paradigm for combinatorial optimization, uniting the power of local search with the declarativeness of constraint programming. This book will become an important reference for students and practitioners of combinatorial optimization."
—Andrew J. Davenport, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center

Product Description
The ubiquity of combinatorial optimization problems in our society is illustrated by the novel application areas for optimization technology, which range from supply chain management to sports tournament scheduling. Over the last two decades, constraint programming has emerged as a fundamental methodology to solve a variety of combinatorial problems, and rich constraint programming languages have been developed for expressing and combining constraints and specifying search procedures at a high level of abstraction. Local search approaches to combinatorial optimization are able to isolate optimal or near-optimal solutions within reasonable time constraints.

This book introduces a method for solving combinatorial optimization problems that combines constraint programming and local search, using constraints to describe and control local search, and a programming language, COMET, that supports both modeling and search abstractions in the spirit of constraint programming.

After an overview of local search including neighborhoods, heuristics, and metaheuristics, the book presents the architecture and modeling and search components of constraint-based local search and describes how constraint-based local search is supported in COMET. The book describes a variety of applications, arranged by meta-heuristics. It presents scheduling applications, along with the background necessary to understand these challenging problems. The book also includes a number of satisfiability problems, illustrating the ability of constraint-based local search approaches to cope with both satisfiability and optimization problems in a uniform fashion.

xii The last two decades have witnessed the emergence of constraint programming as a fundamental methodology for solving a variety of combinatorial applications... The focus of constraint programming is on reducing the search space by pruning values that cannot appear in any feasible or optimal solution.
p.3 An approximate answer to the right question is worth a great deal more than a precise answer to the wrong question. - John Tukey
p.54 The evaluation is useful in distinguishing solutions of the same value or in guiding the search towards specific regions of the search space.
p.67 This section reconsiders the "send more money" puzzle and introduces the idea of constraint-directed search... This search procedure is fundamentally different from those presented earlier... The search procedure for 'send more money' is constraint-directed. It first selects a violated constraint c and then considers variables in c that may reduce c's violations. Informally speaking, the idea is to achieve some "local" measure of progress, since at least one constraint is closer to feasibility.
p.337 The bigger the real-life problem, the greater the tendency for the discipline to retreat into a reassuring fantasy-land of abstract theory and technical manipulation. - Tom Naylor

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