Copyright (c) 2013 John L. Jerz

An Introduction to General Systems Thinking (Weinberg, 2001)

A Proposed Heuristic for a Computer Chess Program (John L. Jerz)
Problem Solving and the Gathering of Diagnostic Information (John L. Jerz)
A Concept of Strategy (John L. Jerz)
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The Case for Using Probabilistic Knowledge in a Computer Chess Program (John L. Jerz)
Resilience in Man and Machine

Silver Anniversary Edition


5.0 out of 5 stars A true classic in how humans set and solve problems, March 22, 2001

By  Charles Ashbacher (Marion, Iowa United States)
In computing, a timeless classic is anything that is worth reading for any reason other than to obtain a historical context after five years. If that still holds true after twenty five years, then it is truly an extraordinary piece of work. That label applies to this book. It is not about computing per se, but about how humans think about things and how "facts" are relative to time, our personal experience and environmental context.

Human thinking is a complex operation and that is the point of this book. The problems and examples presented are not those in computing, but problems in how we think about the world and how that world can be different from person to person. In many ways, Weinberg anticipates the development of the science of chaos, where small changes lead to disproportionate large changes. His example of the "small" change of a single character is a classic. A man was considering the purchase of a piece of real estate, but when told the cost was fourteen million dollars, sent the response by telegram, "No, price too high." However, somehow a character was dropped, so the agent received the message, "No price too high", purchased the property and so a classic error was invented.

Weinberg uses science and mathematics as the genesis point for most of his examples. The laws of thermodynamics, chance and simulations in state spaces are used to demonstrate the points. As someone with a wide background in science, I found his examples of how scientific thought gives us an anchor but yet alters over time excellent learning material. Thought problems are included at the end of each chapter and they cover many different areas. Some involve mathematics, others science and many could be the point of a vigorous philosophical debate. Together they form the best collection of thought experiments and points of contention that I have ever seen gathered together in one location.

This is a book that is a true classic, not in computing but in the broad area of scholarship. It is partly about the philosophy and mechanisms of science; partly about designing things so they work but mostly it is about how humans view the world and create things that match that view. This book will still be worth reading for a long time to come and it is on my list of top ten computing books of the year.
[JLJ - General Systems Thinking is a thought process which can be applied to the study of many fields, including, of course, the development of heuristics for use in playing games, especially chess.]

p.36 Even the most renaissance of renaissance men these days cannot hope to know more than a very small fraction of what is known by somebody. The general systems man, therefore, is constantly taking leaps in the dark, constantly jumping to conclusions on insufficient evidence, constantly, in fact, making a fool of himself. Indeed, willingness to make a fool of oneself should almost be a requirement for admission to the Society for General Systems Research, for willingness is almost a prerequisite to rapid learning.
p.36 To be a successful generalist, then, we must approach complex systems with a certain naive simplicity. We must be as little children, for we have much evidence that children learn most of their more complex ideas in just this manner, first forming a general impression of the whole and only then passing down to more particular discriminations.
p.37 No approach, be it analytic or synthetic, can guarantee a flawless search for understanding. Each approach has its characteristic errors.
p.37 Lord Rayleigh once remarked that: It happens not infrequently that results in the form of "laws" are put forward as novelties on the basis of elaborate experiments, which might have been predicted a priori after a few minutes consideration.
  This is the characteristic error of analysis. Though in the long run it always rewards our patience, in the long run, as Keynes noted, we shall all be dead. Therefore, those who are impatient with precise methods are attracted to the general systems approach... To be a successful generalist, one must study the art of ignoring data and of seeing the "mere outlines" of things.
p.43 The main role of models is not so much to explain and to predict - though ultimately these are the main functions of science - as to polarize thinking and to pose sharp questions... The "survival of the fittest" applies to models even more than it does to living creatures.
p.45 The general systems approach, then, can engender a parsimony of thought for the study of subjects. [JLJ - parsimony: n.
  1. Unusual or excessive frugality; extreme economy or stinginess.
  2. Adoption of the simplest assumption in the formulation of a theory or in the interpretation of data, especially in accordance with the rule of Ockham's razor.]

p.52 a system is a way of looking at the world.

p.55 Perception responds just as well to illusion as to reality
p.60 Properties "emerge" for a particular observer when he could not or did not predict their appearance.
p.61 A system is a set of objects together with relationships between the objects and between their attributes.
p.160-161 To revive our handyman analogy, science has been working in the same neighborhood for a few hundred years. It has a particular box of tools, transformations to apply in the search for invariant properties, with which it has been able to solve many of the local repair problems. But after a while, we begin to have a residue of problems - the ones the handyman cannot fix with his particular set of tools. The systems researcher sees the residue, the situations in the world that science cannot, or has not, brought under its control.
  This residue consists of two parts. First, there are those situations in which present scientific methods could work, but have not, either because they have never been tried or because they have been tried without proper imagination and understanding... Second, there are those situations in which the present tool kit will prove insufficient. These second situations are the proper concern of the general systems movement.
p.171 In my own case, pursuit of operational analysis has resulted in the conviction, a conviction which has increased with practice, that it is better to analyze in terms of doings or happenings than in terms of objects or static abstractions.
P.W. Bridgmen
p.177 "We can talk about any problem. Solving is another matter..."
p.196 If you cannot think of three ways of abusing a tool, you do not understand how to use it.
p.199 As we have seen, discovery of independent variables leads to economy of thought. Where there are no dependencies, we could study fewer variables and obtain the same precision of prediction... As usual, the choice of system properties must be a compromise between the convenience of independence and the necessity for completeness.
p.203 Science may be thought of as the process of learning which ways of looking at things yield invariant laws. The laws of science may thus be descriptions of how the world looks ("Eureka" - I have found), or prescriptions for how to look at the world ("heuristic" - how to find). We really have no way of knowing which."
p.236 If you look at automata which have been built by men or which exist in nature you will very frequently notice that their structure is controlled to a much larger extent by the manner in which they might fail and by the (more or less effective) precautionary measures which have been taken against their failure... they are arrangements by which it is attempted to achieve a state where at least a majority of all failures will not be lethal... All we can do is to arrange an automaton so that in the vast majority of failures it can continue to operate... John von Neumann
p.251 we live in a world surrounded by systems whose "structure is controlled to a much larger extent by the manner in which they might fail and by the precautionary measures which have been taken against their failure." ... Small changes in structure usually lead to small changes in behavior.
p.252 Small changes in behavior will usually be found to result from small changes in structure.
p.253 Stress is the state manifested by a specific syndrome which consists of all the non-specifically induced changes within a biological system.
  The elements of its form... can express the sum of all the different adjustments that are going on in the body at any time.  Hans Selye
p.255 the organism that keeps down the total stress need not adapt, but that the organism will adapt, or collapse, once the stress reaches an unacceptable level.

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