Copyright (c) 2013 John L. Jerz

The Resiliency Advantage (Siebert, 2005)
A Proposed Heuristic for a Computer Chess Program (John L. Jerz)
Problem Solving and the Gathering of Diagnostic Information (John L. Jerz)
A Concept of Strategy (John L. Jerz)
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Viva La Vida
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Quotes Concerning Problem Solving
Computer Chess
Chess Analysis
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Problem Solving/ Creativity
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The Case for Using Probabilistic Knowledge in a Computer Chess Program (John L. Jerz)
Resilience in Man and Machine

Master Change, Thrive Under Pressure, and Bounce Back From Setbacks


33 of 34 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Pioneering the Art of Helping People Master Their Challenges, September 11, 2005
By  Gloria R. Nash "Human Energy Educator" (New York, NY) -
Dr. Al Siebert has been a pioneer in helping people move through difficult life circumstances to master adversity and grow stronger from their challenges. In alignment with the great Abraham Maslow, he has taken the road less traveled in psychology by studying what makes people strong rather than focusing on their weaknesses.
I was blessed to find Dr. Siebert's earlier book, "The Survivor Personality" at a time when I felt very victimized by the circumstances of my life. This was one of the most inspiring books I read. It helped open my eyes to perceive my challenges in a new way, so that I could move forward in my life journey emerging from my problems with greater well-being.
Dr. Siebert's new book, "The Resiliency Advantage," contains down to earth, practical information that can help anyone overcome setbacks and sudden changes that a person experiences as threatening to their well-being. Without the usual jargon of "psychobabble" or "feel-good" superficial advice that I find impractical or unsustainable, this book will help you see your world through a new lens of resilience, one of the primary concepts in emotional intelligence.
Dr. Siebert uses wonderful stories to illustrate these ideas and guaranteed to open anyone's heart.
My favorite parts of the book are the practical exercises that encourage viewing our challenges from a place of strength and as a path of growth. Investing in this book is worth gold if you would like to move your life out of a survival mode and into one of thriving and getting better every day. I highly recommend this book to everyone seeking to make sense of any challenge, both personal and the challenges we face in our world today.

p.2,4 Highly resilient people are flexible, adapt to new circumstances quickly, and thrive in constant change. Most importantly, they expect to bounce back and feel confident that they will. They have a knack for creating good luck out of circumstances that many others see as bad luck... Resiliency means being able to bounce back from life developments that may feel totally overwhelming at first... resilient people... expect to rebuild their disrupted lives in a new way that works for them, and the struggle to overcome adversity develops new strengths in them.
p.6,10 Resiliency is an essential skill in every job sector... especially during times of turmoil... Your intention to develop resiliency methods that work for you is what determines your success or failure.
p.12 Resiliency lets you align quickly to new circumstances and steer the swirling energies to reach good outcomes. A reliable strength at this level is the talent for serendipity - the ability to convert accidents and misfortune into lucky accidents and good fortune.
p.13,14 This program [described in this book] shows how to use knowledge from the new science of resiliency psychology to learn the art of resiliency. It shows how to benefit from aligning your mind, attitudes, and actions with the reality that our world is a vibrant, dynamic place of unceasing change. 
  A significant benefit... is that you master the process of nonstop change... The art of resiliency gives you a powerful advantage in today's world.
p.33 As you become more and more resilient, you effectively handle disruptive change, adversities, and major setbacks faster and easier.
p.62-63 Creative solutions cannot be found using logical, analytical problem solving. Creative problem solving starts with feeling that an unusual, new solution is possible. Then you ask yourself many questions to free your imagination from the restrictions of normal thinking and assumptions... It takes uncensored questions to break out of the invisible walls of socially approved thinking to let your imagination soar free... A key component in creative thinking is an ability to make connections between remote ideas.
p.63 Think of a situation where rational problem solving hasn't worked... The following suggestions show how to engage in problem solving that requires a creative solution:
  • Let yourself become preoccupied with wanting to understand all the details about what is happening. Saturate your mind with information. Be a curious observer.
  • Be playful in imagining various things you might do...
  • Ask yourself lots of questions to explore the rich trove of possible solutions your mind can access. You might ask: What would be a different way of looking at this? ...
  • ...Get a pad of paper and start listing many possible solutions... draw a web of how the various ideas relate to each other...
  • Take breaks and leave your mind alone...
  • Creative problem solving can be helped by relaxing and listening to music that has a pleasant effect on you
p.65 Closed-minded thinking is incompatible with creativity. One cannot be creative if facts, details, and information have never been absorbed in the first place. Closed-minded certainty suppresses curiosity.
p.65 You foster creativity by being a naive, curious observer. You foster creativity by being like a curious child, filled with wonder about the world, not limited by opinions or judgment. To strengthen your ability to find creative solutions to problems, let yourself be curious, playful, open-minded, and awed in the way that you were as a child.
  In fact, a child might see a solution that adults cannot.
p.67 The ability to invent a clever solution to a problem comes from wanting to find a good solution, thinking independently, and stepping outside the boundaries of old perceptions, assumptions, and habitual ways of thinking.
p.68 If you argue with reality, you add to your difficulties. It's a fact of life that we become enmeshed in what we choose to fight against.
p.68 All three kinds of problem solving - analytical, creative, and practical - may be combined when looking for ways to gain a competitive advantage in the business world.
p.69 When you follow the steps for effective problem solving, you not only solve problems better than most people, you develop self-confidence about your resiliency and sustain better health.
p.69 Problem solving can also be applied to the future. Is there a problem that you think might occur? Something that might happen, but may not? When you are skilled at problem solving, you can be ready with solutions for problems that might occur.
p.93 Curiosity is essential to resiliency. Why? For a simple reason: if you are going to interact effectively with new situations, your brain must quickly acquire an accurate understanding of what is happening in your environment. Resiliency is increased when you quickly comprehend the unexpected new reality; it is decreased in people who don't comprehend the new reality... People who have the best chance of handling new situations well are usually those with the best comprehension of what is occurring in the world around them.
p.102 How to achieve high-level resiliency is not a mystery. The most resilient people are like children who never grew up. A curious, playful spirit contributes directly to resiliency, because playfulness and asking questions let you learn your way out of difficult circumstances.
p.116 Many circumstances can be shaped in ways that you can influence. Future events are rarely firmly fixed in place. Resilient people know that unfolding events are not totally predetermined. The world is more plastic; it is more malleable and shapable than most people think. That is why people with... coping skills have an amazing ability to get good outcomes in situations that have other people thinking that there's no way they can survive and prevail... The starting point for resiliency often begins with asking questions such as, "How can I cope with this?"
p.130-131 Having a variety of responses is crucial when handling unpredictable, chaotic, or changing conditions. Successful people in every profession know that it is better to have many possible responses than to be limited to a few... Adaptation is the key to survival in all of nature... A behavior that cannot be consciously stopped or reversed is not under control... Many inner potentials can emerge when you allow yourself to respond to a situation, or to view it in any way that you choose.
p.168 When you become highly resilient, you have an advantage. You can turn a disruptive event or adversity into a desirable development. When you're hit by an unexpected crisis... you go from being upset to coping, to thriving, to serendipity with amazing speed.
p.197 highly resilient people are present in situations with many potential behaviors available for quick use. What they will do, feel, or say does not exist until they are engaged in a situation. What they will do cannot be predicted in advance.

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