Copyright (c) 2013 John L. Jerz

Ecological Resilience - In Theory and Application (Gunderson, 2000)

A Proposed Heuristic for a Computer Chess Program (John L. Jerz)
Problem Solving and the Gathering of Diagnostic Information (John L. Jerz)
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The Case for Using Probabilistic Knowledge in a Computer Chess Program (John L. Jerz)
Resilience in Man and Machine


Ball and cup heuristic of system stability. Valleys represent stability domains, balls represent the system, and arrows represent disturbances. Engineering resilience is determined by the slopes in the stability landscapes, whereas ecological resilience is described as the width. Adaptive capacity refers to the ability of the system to remain in a stability domain, as the shape of the domain changes (as shown by the three slices or landscapes).

Annu. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 2000. 31:425–39
ecological resilience is maintained by keystone structuring processes across a number of scales, sources of renewal and reformation, and functional biodiversity. In practice, maintaining a capacity for renewal in a dynamic environment provides an ecological buffer that protects the system from the failure of management actions that are taken based upon incomplete understanding, and it allows managers to affordably learn and change.

p.425-426 This review is divided into three parts. The first section reviews concepts and multiple meanings of resilience as they have appeared in the literature. That section reviews examples of modeling and field experiments that enrich our understanding of ecological change. The second section includes an assessment of how resilience is related to other key ecosystem properties. The review concludes with a section on how ecological resilience is key to management of complex systems of people and nature.
p.433 One reason why rigid scientific and technological approaches fail is because they presume a system near equilibrium and a constancy of relationships. In this case, uncertainties arise not from errors in tools or models but from a lack of appropriate information for the models. Another reason for failure is that few approaches account for inherent complex relationships among variables that lead to inherent unpredictabilities in ecological systems... recent models by Carpenter and others... indicate that ecosystem resilience must be continually probed.
p.433 The other view is integrative and holistic, searching for simple structures and relationships that explain much of nature’s complexity. This view provides the underpinnings for an approach to dealing with resource issues called adaptive management, which assumes surprises are inevitable, that knowledge will always be incomplete, and that human interaction with ecosystems will always be evolving.
p.434 In order to add resilience to managed systems, at least three strategies are employed: increasing the buffering capacity of the system, managing for processes at multiple scales, and nurturing sources of renewal.
p.436 Resilience is maintained by focusing on keystone structuring processes that cross scales, on sources of renewal and reformation, and on multiple sources of capital and skills. No single mechanism can guarantee maintenance of resilience. Strategies that address requisite variety of purposes and concentrate on renewal contribute to resilience. Institutions should focus on learning, and understanding of key cross-scale interactions.

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