p.1 Economic resilience, i.e. an ecosystem's ability to
maintain its basic functions and controls under disturbance, is often interpreted as insurance
p.2-3 An ecosystem’s resilience in a given stability domain can be
measured by the probability that exogenous perturbations make the system flip into another stability domain. Therefore, enhancing
the resilience of a particular (desired) domain reduces the likelihood of a flip into another (less desired) domain. [JLJ
- as far as game theory, perhaps we could think here of an advantage for the other player instead of a flip into another
stability domain]
p.3 the term "insurance" ... is used to convey the message that resilience
is a desirable property of some ecosystem since it helps to prevent catastrophic and irreversible reductions in ecosystem
service flows.
p.4 insurance is an action or institution that mitigates the influence
of uncertainty on a person's well-being
p.4 ecosystem resilience actually functions as an economic insurance
only at sufficiently high levels of resilience; it does not function as an economic insurance at low levels of resilience.
p.9 The insurance value of resilience is only a fraction of resilience’s
total economic value, namely the value of its function to reduce the risk premium of the ecosystem user’s income risk
from using ecosystem services under uncertainty. Beyond its insurance value, resilience also has economic value in its function
to increase the ecosystem user’s expected income from ecosystem services.