Copyright (c) 2013 John L. Jerz

Chess and Computers (Levy, 1976)
A Proposed Heuristic for a Computer Chess Program (John L. Jerz)
Problem Solving and the Gathering of Diagnostic Information (John L. Jerz)
A Concept of Strategy (John L. Jerz)
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Additional Notes
The Case for Using Probabilistic Knowledge in a Computer Chess Program (John L. Jerz)
Resilience in Man and Machine


This is the first really comprehensive book on the subject of Computer Chess. The first chapter describes the earliest chess "machine", the famous Automaton chess player that toured Europe and America, and there is a detailed account of Torres y Quevedo's invention that played the ending of king and rook against king. Following this is a lucid description of how computers play chess and then a detailed history of computer chess, including an account of early Soviet attempts at chess programming that contains much information hitherto unpublished outside the Soviet Union. David Levy's fascinating book continues with a record of computer chess tournaments and concludes with a description of various research projects that are currently under way and a prediction of what the future holds for chess programmers.
"... Entertaining and instructive... covers the field thoroughly and well." Library Journal
JLJ - comments at the end of the book suggest the manuscript was submitted to the publisher earlier than April, 1975.

Preface If it proves possible to play such games well by computer, then the techniques employed to analyse and assess future positions in these games will also be useful in other problems in long-range planning.
v Chess is a game of planning. To play the game well it is necessary to be able to create in one's mind a plan that conforms to the necessities and potentialities of a given position... the correct long-term plan will be discovered much more frequently by the master than by the club player.
p.24 "It is hopeless to try to make a machine [to] play perfect chess" Norbert Wiener [The human use of human beings: cybernetics and society, p. 175]
p.26-27 A human chess master usually knows at once whether a given position is good for White or for Black or whether it is level... How do they do it and how can their techniques for positional evaluation be simulated in a chess program?
  The key to evaluation is knowing what to look for.
p.31-32 Part of the difficulty in establishing a series of numerical criteria from which a program can arrive at an accurate assessment of a position, lies in the presumption that such criteria do exist. After all, a chess master does not work in this way. His assessments are usually made, not by counting pawns and pieces, but from his "feel" of the position. One might argue that unless this feel can be implemented in a computer program there will never be a  program that can play master chess. This argument is not necessarily correct, however, since it might be possible to write a strong chess program without directly simulating human behaviour (although personally I doubt it).
p.33 When a chess master looks ahead his whole analytical search rarely encompasses more than 100 positions. His expertise is such that he can discard from his considerations almost all the legal moves at any depth of search. This is because his "evaluation function" enables him to reject these moves as being highly implausible and to concentrate his efforts along paths that look more fruitful.
p.39 Clearly there must be some sort of look-ahead but equally obviously it must be directed in some way so that only trees of manageable size are examined.
p.81 The problem of creating a chess computer belongs to a young branch of cybernetics - heuristic programming. There is one task facing this discipline the solution of which would have practical applications: to work out methods of orienting in a continuously changing situation depending on a large number of factors which cannot be subjected to a complete mathematical analysis. Chess is an excellent model of such a situation.
  In the course of work on chess programs some very valuable heuristic methods have been found which shorten the analysis many times over.
p.131 I have often asked chess programmers the question: "If I gave you a routine that played perfect tactical chess, that saw every trick and every combination, that never lost material through a trap and never overlooked a possibility to win material by force, how would you set about writing a master strength chess program?" So far, no-one has yet been able to offer me any kind of an answer.
p.137 Conclusions
Since 1948, when Shannon wrote his classic paper, there has been very little conceptual progress in computer chess. I think that there is no doubt that I shall win my bet in 1978, but with so many different programming efforts under way I think that I will ask for odds when I offer the bet for another ten year period. But for the moment at least, man is still master over the computer.

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