p.2 Systems thinking is a deliberate attempt to think when thinking itself is put at risk by emotion,
confusion, and confrontation... Systems thinking does not suppress or supplant perspectives; it adopts them and finds
sense in their multiplicity and diversity, their surprise. It does not guarantee success, but it does make thinking possible
when that seems impossible. [JLJ - seems like a good concept for game theory]
p.5 These then are three foci for our thought process: profiling the need, identifying the candidates, and
adopting a selection mechanism. And for systems thinkers these thought foci interact. They are parts of a wider system.
They have relationships, such that changes in any one can affect others, and in ways that might cause the relationships between
them to change. And it is the whole of these foci, whatever that might be, that constitutes the system of thinking.
p.22 Gerry Weinberg writes: "Every model is ultimately the expression of one thing we think we hope
to understand in terms of another that we think we do understand."
p.23 There is something simply inescapable about the notion of boundary... The boundary
separates the outside from the inside... Boundaries define the area of responsibility and the scope of interest. They
tell us what are the things people can do something about (or not) and the things we can be properly focused upon (or not).
p.56-57 a model is an abstraction of reality... they are fundamentally wrong because they are not reality...
model creation should force us to scrutinize the relevance and significance of perspective... In our view,
no model should be built unless we know what we are looking at, why we are looking at it, from where (which standpoint)
we are looking at, and what it is we believe we can see better because we will have the model.
p.86 The conceptual model, pertinent to a root definition, is an account of the activities that the system
must do in order to be the system named. The structural elements for the model are derived from the root definition
p.87 nothing ought to be included in the model that cannot be justified by reference to the root definition.