p.1 It is virtually impossible today to read extensively in any of the biological or social sciences without
running into the term stress... "It is as though, when the word stress came into vogue, each investigator,
who had been working with a concept he felt was closely related, substituted the word stress... and continued in his same
line of investigation" [JLJ - oops, guilty as charged...]
p.11 Stress depends, in part, on the social and physical demands of the environment...
Environmental constraints and environmental resources (Klausner, 1971) on which
the possibilities for coping depend are also important factors.
p.157 We have stated that coping is determined by cognitive appraisal.
p.158 the ways people actually cope also depend heavily on the resources that are available to them
and the constraints that inhibit use of these resources in the context of the specific encounter... Antonovsky (1979)
has used the term generalized resistance resources to describe characteristics that facilitate
the management of stress. [JLJ - excellent idea, note to self, use the term generalized resistance resources
in current paper]
p.166 Constraints exist as much in the environment as they do in the person.
p.170 We have argued that the relationship between resources and coping is mediated by personal and environmental
constraints and level of threat.
p.179 Coping is also determined by constraints that mitigate the use of resources... Environmental
constraints include demands that compete for the same resources and agents or institutions that thwart coping efforts. High
levels of threat can also prevent a person from using coping resources effectively. [JLJ excellent ideas for game
p.185-186 In any encounter with the environment, the key problem for the person is to make a series
of realistic judgments about its implications for his or her well-being. An appraisal that leads to appropriate
and effective outcomes must match or at least approximate the flow of events. [JLJ we must be able to predict the
general outlines of how things will proceed in the future]
p.226 society is viewed as making stressful demands on the individual and as imposing constraints
on the ways such an individual might deal with these demands