p.4 Many people are shocked when they first discover that not everybody "sees" (or "hears" or "feels") the
world the same way they do. It's a fact, however, that we each have our own particular ways of experiencing life, and most
people have a single representational system upon which they most heavily rely.
p.33 Reality, to a very large extent, is what we make it with our minds... While it may appear that
we live in a "real" world, we actually live much of our lives in a world made of our own thoughts, ideas, and feelings.
Every bit of sensory information, in order to become meaningful, must first pass through the filter of our world-view, our
meaning-attributing mechanism.
p.34,35 When we understand how much influence our beliefs and assumptions have on how we perceive
and experience the world, we can then begin the process of changing those beliefs and assumptions which are not useful to
us... Beliefs are concepts or ideas to which we have attached a sense of reality, whether it's warranted
or not... another way to characterize beliefs is to say that they're stories we tell ourselves about how things
In addition to categorizing beliefs as being strong or weak, we can also define beliefs which
are useful and those which are not useful.
p.57 The world of our minds, the world of our perceptions, is never the objective world,
which we are forever prevented from knowing by our lack of mind-reading skills, our lack of x-ray
p.115 Motivation strategies fall into two basic categories. Virtually everybody is either in the process
of moving toward something pleasurable, or moving away from something painful... No matter what you're doing or when you're
doing it, you're doing it for one of two reasons: to get pleasure or avoid pain.
p.119 few people realize that they're even using a motivational strategy - with just about everything they
do, every moment of every day - and even fewer realize that they can change their strategies just as quickly as they can change
the way they wear their hair.
p.154 Once you've determined your purpose, then it's time to set goals.
The most important part of goal-setting is to visualize clear goals.
p.156,157 The second big difference between unsuccessful and successful people was that the successful
ones had learned, presumably when they were children, how to visualize their goals and then reach for those goals...
It's perfectly ok if the goals change - even if they change weekly - just so long as the process is done [setting goals, visualizing
them, then working towards them] and the skills are learned.