Copyright (c) 2013 John L. Jerz

Systems Engineering: A 21st Century Systems Methodology (Hitchins, 2007)

A Proposed Heuristic for a Computer Chess Program (John L. Jerz)
Problem Solving and the Gathering of Diagnostic Information (John L. Jerz)
A Concept of Strategy (John L. Jerz)
Books/Articles I am Reading
Quotes from References of Interest
Satire/ Play
Viva La Vida
Quotes on Thinking
Quotes on Planning
Quotes on Strategy
Quotes Concerning Problem Solving
Computer Chess
Chess Analysis
Early Computers/ New Computers
Problem Solving/ Creativity
Game Theory
Favorite Links
About Me
Additional Notes
The Case for Using Probabilistic Knowledge in a Computer Chess Program (John L. Jerz)
Resilience in Man and Machine


This book conceives, presents and exemplifies a contemporary, general systems methodology that is straightforward and accessible, providing guidance in practical application, as well as explaining concept and theory. The book is presented both as a text for students, with topic assignments, and as a reference for practitioners, through case studies.
Utilizing recent research and developments in systems science, methods and tools, Hitchins has developed a unified systems methodology, employable when tackling virtually any problem, from the small technological, to the global socioeconomic. Founded in the powerful systems approach', Hitchins' systems methodology brings together both soft and hard system scientific methods into one methodological framework. This can be applied when addressing complex problems, issues and situations, and for creating robust, provable solutions, resolutions and dissolutions to those problems supposing such to exist.
This book details and explores:
*the systems approach, using theory and method to reveal systems engineering as applied systems science, bridging the gulf between Problem and Solution Spaces;
*a universal' Systems Methodology (including an extensive view of systems engineering, embracing both soft and hard systems) which encompasses all five stages of Hitchins' 5-layer Systems Engineering Model (artifact, project, enterprise, industry and socio-economy);
*case studies illustrating how the systems methodology may be used to address a diverse range of situations and issues, including conceiving a new defense capability, proposing a feasible way to tackle global warming, tackling enterprise interventions, how and why things can go wrong, and many more.
Systems Engineering will give an immeasurable advantage to managers, practitioners and consultants in a wide range of organizations and fields including police, defense, procurement, communications, transport, management, electrical, electronic, aerospace, requirements, software and computer engineering.
It is an essential reference for researchers seeking systems enlightenment', including graduate students who require a comprehensive reference text on the subject, and also government departments and systems engineering institutions

p.3 At the start of the twentieth century, scientists began to notice that not everything was amenable to the reductionist approach. Some things, systems, seemed to function and operate only as wholes. They certainly might have discernible parts, but the parts did not explain the whole.
p.4 To understand any part of these wholes, it was seen as vital to view the part operating in concert with, and continually adapting to, the other interacting parts making up the whole; a part could not rationally be considered out of context, excised, sans interactions... This systems approach, as it came to be called, proved highly successful, and it was widely adopted... So much so, that a new age was declared: the Systems Age.
p.5 Systems may be real, tangible wholes, or they may be concepts. They are comprised of parts, which may be arranged in some way.
p.6 In a mechanistic world, the idea was to decompose parts to find more basic components, with which to explain how things worked. Decomposing a goal-seeking system failed to reveal any component as the root of the goal-seeking behavior. Yet, such purposeful behavior was all around in organisms.
p.7 Cartesian Reductionism could not explain why some wholes possess capabilities, have properties, and behave in ways that were not evident from examination of their parts in isolation. This observation was labeled "emergence," and some wholes were observed to possess or exhibit properties, capabilities and behaviors not exclusively attributable to any of their rationally separable parts.
p.17 Systems thinking is thinking, scientifically, about phenomena, events, situations, etc., from a systems perspective, i.e., using systems methods, systems theory and systems tools. Systems thinking, then, looks at wholes, and at parts of wholes in the context of their respective whole... systems thinking as developed into dynamic modeling of open systems, often using smart simulation programs
p.18 models are used as experimental laboratories, to explore what might happen in some future situation, to explore the "what ifs" ... to see if there are likely to be any counterintuitive effects (Forrester, 1971) from unexpected interactions.
p.19 Cybernetics offers a control view of the world that is neither particularly mechanistic nor oganismic. The cybernetic model involves some input "signal" which is amplified to drive a mechanism. Information from the mechanism output is fed back to, and differenced with, the input signal. In this way, the actual output is driven to meet the desired output as determined by the input signal.
p.21 Whole systems exhibit emergent properties, where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
p.91 Systems engineering is the art and science of creating whole solutions to complex problems.
p.194 The aim of [soft systems methodology] stages five and six is to develop courses of action that are both feasible - i.e., can be started and hopefully carried through... and desirable - i.e., they will bring about beneficial change... In stage seven, the developed courses of action are put into practice. A single iteration of SSM is unlikely to solve a problem: it will alter the situation that caused the problem to surface, i.e., action will simply create a new situation that may benefit from further analysis and intervention using SSM.
p.277 An alternative, innovative approach is to use cumulative selection to explore this vast landscape of possibilities, in a greatly simplified version of Nature's genetic approach: in effect, to "evolve" a solution system design.
p.371 The question arises, then, is there a relationship between architecture and system behavior, performance, resilience and vulnerability? Since architecture is delineated by the connections between parts of a system, clearly the interruption of these connections could prevent interactions, could prevent the parts from operating as a unified whole and could impair performance. By the same token, if there were multiple connections, such that the severing of any one did not impair subsystem interactions, then the parts would continue to operate as a unified whole. So, in principle, redundant linkages coupling parts of a system could make it more resilient.

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