p.11 a strategic plan is created by combining positional features involving material, space, piece mobility,
and pawn structure over a long span of moves... Strategy, then, is the purposeful pursuit of a simple goal: to gain
an advantage of some sort over your opponent.
p.14 Of all the advantages you can possess, a material advantage is by far the most powerful and the easiest
to understand.
p.32 Try to find the perfect balance between defense and a continuation that furthers your own plans.
p.45 Knights need advanced support points to be effective.
p.63 If you don't like the piece you own, improve its position or trade it.
p.138 In chess, a pawn or a square is only weak if it can be attacked. If an enemy
piece cannot get your pawn, then there is no reason to worry about its safety, regardless of whether it is isolated, doubled,
or backward.