Copyright (c) 2013 John L. Jerz

Handbook of Ecosystem Theories and Management (Jorgensen, Muller, 2000)
A Proposed Heuristic for a Computer Chess Program (John L. Jerz)
Problem Solving and the Gathering of Diagnostic Information (John L. Jerz)
A Concept of Strategy (John L. Jerz)
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The Case for Using Probabilistic Knowledge in a Computer Chess Program (John L. Jerz)
Resilience in Man and Machine


As part of the Environmental and Ecological Modeling Handbooks series, the Handbook of Ecosystem Theories and Management provides a comprehensive overview of ecosystem theory and the tools - ecological engineering, ecological modeling, ecotoxicology and ecological economics -to manage these systems. The book is laid out to provide a summary or survey of each topic, using many tables and figures. Concepts, definitions, important findings, basic hypotheses, important correlations between theories and observation with illustrative graphs are included. The comprehensive treatment of ecosystem theory and application of theoretical tools, and the integration of classical theory and real world examples, sets this book apart. It covers newly emerging topical areas as well as nontraditional topical areas (i.e. chaos) that will interest professionals trained in previous decades and enlighten those now entering into formal training. The general approach taken by the authors makes this an essential reference and handbook for professionals and students.
[JLJ - An impressive book full of useful ideas. Worth twice its cost. Nope, ten times the cost.]

p.1 Ecosystems are incredibly complex, and it is therefore not surprising, that many different viewpoints are needed to obtain a more complete image of an ecosystem.
p.5 We want to understand the reaction of nature to our influence and we have realised that reductionistic methods alone cannot cope with the environmental problems, mainly due to -
1) unexpected effects and rare events, unexpected in time and space may occur at any time due to the high amount of linkages and indirect effects in ecosystems, and because
2) ecosystems are extremely complex which renders them impossible to analyse and thereby unable know all the details.
Consequently, we cannot attempt to find the understanding of the whole by adding all the reductionistic details. We have to use another approach, which is system ecology, where the system analytical focus is put on the properties of entire ecosystems.
p.8 A model can be considered as a synthesis of elements of knowledge about a system. The quality of the model is therefore very dependent on the quality of our knowledge about the elements of the system and the available data... The model represents a synthesis of knowledge and data and can provide results particularly about the system properties... We use models, in other words, to uncover the holistic properties.
p.13-14 Holism attempts to reveal the properties of complex systems such as ecosystems by studying the systems as a whole. According to this approach the system properties cannot be found by a study of the components separately due to the high complexity and due to the presence of emergent properties... Reductionism attempts to reveal the properties of nature by separating the components from their wholeness to simplify the study and to facilitate the interpretation of the scientific results... no science has succeeded in understanding the structure and dynamics of a complex system from a reductionistic approach alone... The conclusion from these considerations is clear: we need both approaches, but because it is much easier to apply the reductionistic method, analytical work has been the overwhelming synthetic work in science... The need for a more holistic approach increases with the complexity, integration, number of interactions, feedbacks and regulation mechanisms.
p.41-42 sustainable development is an interdisciplinary concept... Bossel... states that in searching for principles to guide sustainable development, it is only natural to have a closer look at the global ecosystem, which has demonstrated sustainability over a few billion years. Ecosystems are working models of sustainable complex systems, and it is reasonable to study them for clues to the sustainable management of the human enterprise. Apart from this strategy of nature as a model for human dynamics, the ecological constraints alone determine the real potentials of human life.
p.45 All sustainable activities have to accept the natural system of constraints in which the investigated entity operates.
p.54 The potential of self-modification and change of organisms causes a high degree of variability (Ekschmitt et al. 1996). Thus, physical constraints do not entirely determine ecological systems. Organisms exchange material and energy with the external environment to build their structures and maintain their activities... the future development of ecological systems normally cannot be derived from a simple set of rules or equations describing physical laws. Instead, ecological development results from the totality of all factors contributing to a particular situation and interaction within the system (Pahl-Wostl 1995)
p.104 A model is an abstraction of reality. It is a formal description of the essential elements of a problem... we can think of a model as a formal description of the system-of-interest.
p.106 Simulation is the process of using a model to mimic, or trace through step by step, the behaviour of the system we are studying.
p.106 The goal of the first phase of systems analysis is to develop a conceptual or qualitative, model of the system-of-interest... we abstract from the real system those components that must be considered to address our questions... Next we categorize model components depending on their specific roles in describing system structure and identify specific relationships among components that generate system dynamics... In many respects conceptual model formulation is the most intellectually challenging phase of systems analysis. The best basis for the many difficult, and often highly subjective, decisions that must be made regarding the choice of model components is a thorough familiarity with the real system. Prior modelling experience also is an asset.
p.144 The term complex systems thinking is being used to refer to the body of knowledge that deals with complexity. Complex systems thinking has its origins in von Bertalanffy's general systems theory.
p.145 Properties of complex systems to bear in mind when thinking about ecosystems.
  • Non-linear: Behave as a whole, a system. Cannot be understood by simply decomposing into pieces which are added or multiplied together.
  • Hierarchical: ... The systems is nested within a system and is made up of systems...
  • Internal causality: ... self-organizing. Characterized by: goals, positive and negative feedback, autocatalysis, emergent properties and surprise.
  • Window of vitality: Must have enough complexity but not too much. There is a range within which self-organisation can occur...
  • Dynamically stable?: There may not exist equilibrium points for the system.
  • Multiple steady states: There is not necessarily a unique preferred system state in a given situation...
  • Catastrophic behaviour: The norm... moments of unpredictable behaviour... sudden discontinuities, rapid change...
  • Chaotic behaviour: our ability to forecast and predict is always limited... regardless of how sophisticated our computers are and how much information we have.

p.145-146 Maruyama... was one of the first to examine the issues of complexity... he identified a class of systems which require... explanations that involve both positive and negative feedback loops and autocatalysis, mutual causality. He demonstrated how probabilistic or deterministic loops of mutual causality can increase a system's pattern of heterogeneity towards higher levels of organised complexity. He showed that traditional explanations in terms of linear causality, that is in terms of a clear cause and effect relationship, were not possible for the phenomena exhibited by this class of systems. The problem is that when feedback loops dominate a system, the effect becomes part of the cause. So the cause is not independent of the effect as is required by linear cause and effect explanations.

p.146 It has been argued... that ecosystems fall into the class of systems that Maruyama identified and which Koestler called SOHO systems. The dynamics of such systems are described by narratives. A central question to be addressed by the narrative description of a SOHO system is an elaboration of its propensities. The elaboration delineates the mutual causality of the feedback loops and autocatalytic process which give the system its coherence as an entity. This set of propensities, which define a holon, is referred to as its "canon".

p.168 If we pump energy into a system the equilibrium will, according to Le Chatelier's Principle, shift towards a utilisation of the energy.

p.199 emergent properties are observable at the systems level alone, and will not, and cannot, be found by following the reductionist strategies of research in accordance with the normal positivistic ways of performing science. The "secrets" of emergent properties are to be revealed by holistic research strategies only.

p.209 Many of the problems we face in management today are related to emergent properties as they are dealing with the unpredictable behaviour of nature and its unexpected responses to the way we interact with it... our chances to deal with management problems and eventually improve our future interaction with nature, in terms of eliminating or minimising, unwanted effects of our actions, totally relies on an improved understanding of the mechanism underlying this emergence.

p.258 Bossel (1992) uses what he calls six basic orientors or requirements to develop a system model that is able to describe the system performance properly.

p.385 In ecological systems, resilience is the extent to which a system can withstand disruption before shifting into another state (Holling 1973).
p.385 those examining ecological resilience tend to look for other stable states, and the locations of the boundaries between states.
p.506 Ecological self-organization is a key component of at least two explicit descriptions of ecological integrity. Kay & Schneider (1995) identify three "organisational facets" that ecological integrity encompasses: the ability to maintain normal operations under normal environmental conditions, the ability to cope with changing environmental conditions, and the ability to continue the process of self-organisation. Muller (1998b) condenses these facets, and calls those ecological systems integer [JLJ - from p.504, a "healthy" state of the ecological interaction network] that (i) are able to maintain their organisation and steady state after small disturbances, and that (ii) have a sufficient adaptability and developmental capacity to continue self-organised development... the future-directed potential of an ecological system to self-organise has to be assessed. This potential depends on conditions and constraints
p.525 There is obviously an immense variety of system environments, just as there is an immense variety of systems. But could it be that all of these environments have some common general properties? If that were the case, we could expect their reflections as "basic system needs" or "system interests" in all systems that have been shaped by their environments. These reflections would orient not just structure and function of systems, but also their behaviour in the environment. Moreover, with proper attention to these fundamental orientations ("basic orientors") of systems towards general properties of their environment, we could design systems to be successful in a given environment... Indicators of viability and sustainability have to reflect how well the "basic system needs" or "basic orientors" are satisfied under given circumstances. [JLJ - Hmmm... useful for game theory]
p.526 The assessment of orientor satisfaction, i.e. of system viability and sustainability, can be done by identifying indicators that can provide information about how well each of the orientors is being fulfilled at a given time. In other words, the basic orientors provide us with a checklist for asking a set of questions for finding out how well a system is doing in its environment... Each of the basic orientors stands for a unique requirement. That means that a minimum of attention must be paid to each of them, and that compensation of deficits of one orientor by over-fulfillment of other basic orientors is not possible... Viability and sustainability of a system require adequate satisfaction of each of the system's basic orientors. Planning, decisions, and actions in societal systems must therefore always reflect at least the handful of basic orientors (or derived criteria) simultaneously... a system's development will be constrained by the basic orientor that is currently "in the minimum". Particular attention will therefore have to focus on those orientors that are currently constraining. [JLJ - sounds like a plan for managing search efforts in a game.]
p.530 Note that the different indicators cannot be combined into one number describing the current state of "sustainability"... each of the basic orientors has to be satisfied separately.
p.551 Technological optimists argue that human systems are fundamentally different from other natural systems because of human intelligence and that history has shown that resource constraints can be circumvented by new ideas (Myers and Simon, 1994).
p.563 Both the setting of a goal and the considerations in order to reach it are intellectual activities... Of course, ecosystems, unlike human systems, do not have a goal. There is no intellectually fixed destination that natural development moves towards. In addition, there is no chance to formulate or realise the wish to grow into a specific direction in these systems.

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