Copyright (c) 2013 John L. Jerz

Handbook of Ecological Indicators for Assessment of Ecosystem Health (Jorgensen, Costanza, Xu, 2005)
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The field of ecosystem health explores the interactions between natural systems, human health, and social organization. Handbook of Ecological Indicators for Assessment of Ecosystem Health is the first comprehensive account of ecological indicators for evaluating the health of a wide variety of ecosystems. It presents a conceptual framework for selecting, evaluating and validating ecological indicators of ecosystem health and applies this framework in a series of chapters on major ecosystem types, including coastal areas, forests, wetlands, fisheries and agricultural land. This text will be useful for a wide range of professionals, including those in government agencies worldwide.
[JLJ - these concepts can be applied to game theory. What indicators can we construct that inform us of the health of our game position?]

p.1 The idea to apply an assessment of ecosystem health to environmental management emerged in the late 1980s. [JLJ - Ok, what if we apply an assessment of "health" of a game position to search focus and steering search efforts in a game? ]
p.1 If we observe that an ecosystem is not healthy, we want a diagnosis. What is wrong? What caused this unhealthy condition? What can we do to bring the ecosystem back to normal? To answer these questions, and also come up with a cure, ecological indicators are applied.
p.1-2 Of course there are general ecological indicators that are used almost every time we have to assess ecological health; but they are never sufficient to present a complete diagnosis - the general indicators always have to be supplemented by other indicators.
p.6 Costanza summarizes the concept definition of ecosystem health as:2
1. Homeostasis
2. Absence of disease
3. Diversity or complexity
4. Stability or resilience
5. Vigor or scope for growth
6. Balance between system components.
He emphasizes that it is necessary to consider all or [at] least most of the definitions simultaneously. Consequently, he proposes an overall system health index, HI = V x O x R, where V is system vigor, O is the system organization index and R is the resilience index. With this proposal, Costanza touches on probably the most crucial ecosystem properties to cover ecosystem health.
p.34 We must accept the complication that ecosystems are dynamic systems and will never attain equilibrium. We therefore need to apply dynamic models as widely as possible and it can easily be shown that dynamic models give results other than static ones.
p.278 the high complexity of ecological systems has not only become an accepted fact, but also an interesting object of investigation. In parallel, a successful reductionistic methodology has been accomplished steadily by holistic concepts which stress systems approaches and syntheses, and which elucidate the linkages between the multiple compartments of ecological and human-environmental systems within structural, functional, and organizational entities.
p.280 three principle pillars have been considered as basic conceptual "points of departure" for indicator derivation.
  The first guideline... ecosystems are comprehended as self-organizing entities, and the degree of self-organizing processes and their effects have been chosen as an aggregated measure to represent the systems' actual states... A second pillar is built up by the methodologies of ecosystem analysis: to depict ecological entities in a holistic manner, structure as well as function has to be taken into account... Finally... a useful indicator set has to be based on... a specific definition of ecological integrity... which includes several items that are valid for the ecosystem health approach as well.
p.280 the ecosystem health concept... stresses the creativity of nature, which is nothing else than the potential for self-organization.
p.281 Self-organized systems are capable of creating structures and gradients if they receive a throughflow of exergy (usable energy, or the energy fraction of a system which can be transferred into mechanical work, see Jorgensen 2000).

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