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The Second Cybernetics: Deviation-Amplifying Mutual Causal Processes (Maruyama, 1963)

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American Scientist 5:2 pp.164-179

since the deviation-counteracting type has predominantly been studied up till now under the title cybernetics, let us consider it studies the first cybernetics, and call the studies of the deviation-amplifying mutual causal relationships "the second cybernetics."

The deviation-counteracting mutual causal process is also called "morphostasis", while the deviation-amplifying mutual causal process is called "morphogenesis."

p.1 Since its inception, cybernetics was more or less identified as a science of self-regulating and equilibrating systems. Thermostats, physiological regulation of body temperature, automatic steering devices, economic and political processes were studied under a general mathematical model of deviation-counteracting feedback networks.

By focusing on the deviation-counteracting aspect of the mutual causal relationships however, the cyberneticians paid less attention to the systems in which the mutual causal effects are deviation-amplifying... in short, all processes of mutual causal relationships that amplify an insignificant or accidental initial kick, build up deviation and diverge from the initial condition.

In contrast to the progress in the study of equilibrating systems, the deviation-amplifying systems have not been given as much investment of time and energy by the mathematical scientists on the one hand, and understanding and practical application on the part of geneticists, ecologists, politicians and psychotherapists on the other hand.

The deviation-counteracting mutual causal systems and deviation-amplifying mutual causal systems may appear to be opposite types of systems.

But they have one essential feature in common: they are both mutual causal systems, i.e., the elements within a system influence each other either simultaneously or alternatingly.

The difference between the two types of systems is that the deviation-counteracting system has mutual negative feedbacks between the elements in it while the deviation-amplifying system has mutual positive feedbacks between the elements in it.

p.6 Incidentally, to "create" is no longer a concept which violates the law of physics. As we have seen, creation ex nihilo, or rather almost ex nihilo, is scientifically possible because the secret is no longer in the Prime Mover or in the Creator, but in the process of deviation-amplifying mutual positive feedback network. 

p.12 Mutual causal relationships may be defined between more than two elements.

p.15 The second cybernetics will be useful also in the technological fields such as in the design of a machine which invents... A deviation-amplfying inventing machine... works in the direction specified by the initial kick, and, for this reason, is efficient. It is not built for any specific direction, because the direction is a variable which is specified by the initial kick. In this sense it is flexible. But in another sense it is not flexible because once the direction is set, it will persist in that direction... openness to strange hunches, ability to elaborate on them and to bring them back to a synthesis are which it found in the process of human creative minds.