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Educational Organizations as Loosely Coupled Systems (Weick, 1976)

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Karl E. Weick

Administrative Science Quarterly, Volume 21, Issue 1 (March 1976), pp. 1-19

"J.G. March has argued that loose coupling can be spotted and examined only if one uses methodology that highlights and preserves rich detail about context."

p.3 Organizations as loosely coupled systems may not have been seen before because nobody believed in them or could afford to believe in them. It is conceivable that preoccupation with rationalized, tidy, efficient, coordinated structures has blinded many practitioners as well as researchers to some of the attractive and unexpected properties of less rationalized and less tightly related clusters of events. This paper intends to eliminate such blindspots.

p.6 A second advantage of loose coupling is that it may provide a sensitive sensing mechanism. This possibility is suggested by Fritz Heider's perceptual theory of things and medium. Heider (1959) argues that perception is most accurate when a medium senses a thing and the medium contains many independent elements that can be externally constrained. When elements in a medium become either fewer in number and/or more internally constrained and/or more interdependent, their ability to represent some remote thing is decreased.

p.6-7 A third function is that a loosely coupled system may be a good system for localized adaptation. If all of the elements in a large system are loosely coupled to one another, then any one element can adjust to and modify a local unique contingency without affecting the whole system. These local adaptations can be swift, relatively economical, and substantial.

p.7 It is conceivable that loosely coupled systems preserve more diversity in responding than do tightly coupled systems, and therefore can adapt to a considerably wider range of changes in the environment than would be true for tightly coupled systems.

p.10 J.G. March has argued that loose coupling can be spotted and examined only if one uses methodology that highlights and preserves rich detail about context.

p.13 What kinds of information do loosely coupled systems provide members around which they can organize meanings, that is, what can one use in order to make sense of such fleeting structures? ...Given the ambiguity of loosely coupled structures, this suggests that there may be increased pressure on members to construct or negotiate some kind of social reality they can live with.

p.13 Loosely coupled worlds do not look as if they would provide an individual many resources for sense making - with such little assistance in this task, a predominant activity should involve constructing social realities. Tightly coupled portions of a system should not exhibit nearly this preoccupation with linguistic work and the social construction of reality.

p.16 The concept of organizations as loosely coupled systems can have a substantial effect on existing perspectives about organizations.