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Organizational Design and Systems Analysis (Haberstroh, 1965)

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Chadwick J. Haberstroh

In J. G. March (Ed.), Handbook of Organizations: 1172-1212. Chicago: Rand McNally

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p.1176 if the environment can disturb a system in a wide variety of ways, then effective control requires a regulator that can sense these disturbances and intervene with a commensurately large repertory of responses.

p.1181 How can the organization know when goals are being achieved? Potential goals that do not present an unambiguously positive answer to this question tend to be abandoned or are replaced by a surrogate that does. [JLJ - such as a diagnostic test]

p.1181 Performance measurements are not functionally complete without the establishment of criteria embodying the element of purpose and dimensionally comparable with the performance measurement.