p.17 Philosophy destroys its usefulness when it indulges in brilliant feats of explaining away... Its ultimate appeal is to the general consciousness of what in practice we experience... The useful function of philosophy is to promote the most general systematization of civilized thought.
p.21 'Creativity' is the principle of novelty... The 'creative advance' is the application of this ultimate principle of creativity to each novel situation which it originates.
p.28 'becoming' is a creative advance into novelty... every ultimate actuality embodies in its own essence what Alexander terms 'a principle of unrest,' namely, its becoming.
p.35 There is a prevalent misconception that 'becoming' involves the notion of a unique seriality for its advance into novelty.
p.101,102 the problem for Nature is the production of societies which are 'structured' with a high 'complexity,' and which are at the same time 'unspecialized.' In this way, intensity is mated with survival. There are two ways in which structured societies have solved this problem... The second way of solving the problem is by an initiative in conceptual prehensions... The purpose of this initiative is to receive the novel elements of the environment into explicit feelings with such subjective forms as conciliate them with the complex experiences proper to members of the structured society. Thus in each concrescent occasion its subjective aim originates novelty to match the novelty of the environment.
p.106 The complexity of nature is inexhaustible.
p.133 Hume... appeals beyond his metaphysics to an ultimate justification outside any rational systemization. This ultimate justification is 'practice.'
p.134 The only connection or relation of objects, which can lead us beyond the immediate impressions of our memory and senses, is that of cause and effect; and that because it is the only one, on which we can found a just inference from one object to another. The idea of cause and effect is derived from experience [italics Hume's], which informs us, that such particular objects, in all past instances, have been constantly cojoined with each other: and as an object similar to one of these is supposed to be immediately present in its impression, we thence presume on the existence of one similar to its usual attendant.
p.134 Hume's difficulty with 'cause and effect' is that it lies "beyond the immediate impressions of our memory and senses." In other words, this manner of connection is not given in any impression.
p.176 animals, and even vegetables, in low forms of organism exhibit modes of behaviour directed towards self-preservation. There is every indication of a vague feeling of causal relationship with the external world, of some intensity, vaguely defined as to quality, and with some vague definition as to locality. A jellyfish advances and withdraws, and in doing so exhibits some perception of causal relationship with the world beyond itself
p.184 A living occasion is characterized by a flash of novelty among the appetitions of its mental pole. [JLJ - translation: living things get ideas for how to "go on".]
p.240 Conceptual prehensions, positive or negative, constitute the primary operations among those belonging to the mental pole of an actual entity.
p.242 Whenever there is consciousness there is some element of recollection. It recalls earlier phases from the dim recesses of the unconscious... whenever there is consciousness, there is some component of conceptual functioning. For the abstract element in the concrete fact is exactly what provokes our consciousness. The consciousness is what arises in some process of synthesis of physical and mental operations.
p.243 Consciousness arises when a synthetic feeling integrates physical and conceptual feelings.
p.245 According to this explanation, self-determination is always imaginative in its origin.
p.264 Spoken language is merely a series of squeaks. [JLJ - squeak, squeak. Squeak squeak squeak squeak.]
p.269 transmuted physical feelings can introduce novelty into the physical world... novelty in the physical world... arise[s] by conceptual functioning according to the Category of Reversion.
p.274 Judgment is the presuming things to be so without perceiving it.
p.285 The originative energy of the mental pole constitutes the urge whereby its conceptual prehensions adjust and readjust subjective forms and thereby determine the specific modes of integration terminating in the 'satisfaction.'
p.308 The actual entity is the product of the interplay of a physical pole with mental pole. In this way, potentiality passes into actuality