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A Key to Whitehead's Process and Reality (Sherburne, 1929, 1966, 1981)

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Donald W. Sherburne

'Concrescence is the name given to the process that is any given actual entity; it is "the real internal constitution of a particular existent" '

'Prehensions... "feel what is there and transform it into what is here" [PR 133]. Prehensions are what an actual entity is composed of: "The first analysis of an actual entity, into its most concrete elements, discloses it to be a concrescence of prehensions, which have originated in its process of becoming" [PR 35].'

JLJ - Whitehead is difficult to understand, but important. Sherburne edits Whitehead's 'Process and Reality' down to 40% of its original size, and includes explanation. This is the easiest way to approach Whitehead, that is, unless you immediately know all about the 'concrescence' stuff.

Process and Reality is important because it discusses the concept of 'becoming', necessary in ways to explain philosophical systems of reality, and even the concept of a 'position' when playing a game. The present moment reveals 'entities' in the process of 'becoming', and always in the middle of interactions with other 'entities'.

p.6 The concept of an actual entity is the essential concept in Whitehead's system... The whole of Process and Reality (PR) is concerned with describing the characteristics of, and interrelationships between, actual entities.

p.7 The positive doctrine of these lectures is concerned with the becoming, the being, and the relatedness of 'actual entities.' 'Actual entities' - also termed 'actual occasions' - are the final real things of which the world is made up. There is no going behind actual entities to find anything more real.

p.7 'Concrescence' is the name for the process in which the universe of many things acquires an individual unity in a determinate relegation of each item of the 'many' to its subordination in the constitution of the novel 'one.'

p.9 The first analysis of an actual entity, into its most concrete elements, discloses it to be a concrescence of prehensions, which have originated in its process of becoming. All further analysis is an analysis of prehensions. Every prehension consists of three factors: (a) the 'subject' which is prehending, namely, the actual entity in which that prehension is a concrete element; (b) the 'datum' which is prehended; (c) the 'subjective form' which is how that subject prehends that datum.

p.11 the components of the objective datum [N] have become 'objects' intervening in the constitution of the subject [B] of the feeling [X]... A feeling [X] is the agency by which other things [A] are built into the constitution of its [X's] one subject in process of concrescence [B].

A simple physical feeling is an act of causation. The actual entity which is the initial datum [A] is the 'cause,' the simple physical feeling [X] is the 'effect,' and the subject entertaining the simple physical feeling [B] is the actual entity 'conditioned' by the 'effect.' All complex causal action can be reduced to a complex of such primary components... The 'power' of one actual entity on the other is simply how the former is objectified in the constitution of the other.

p.11 A simple physical feeling has the dual character of being the cause's feeling re-enacted for the effect as subject. By reason of this duplicity in a simple feeling there is a vector character which transfers the cause into the effect.

p.12 Simple physical feelings embody the reproductive character of nature, and also the objective immortality of the past.

p.12 In the becoming, it meets the 'data' which are selected from the actual world.

p.14 In this synthesis, feelings of an earlier phase sink into the components of some more complex feeling of a later phase. Thus each phase adds its element of novelty, until the final phase in which the one complex 'satisfaction' is reached.

p.15 An actual entity is to be conceived... as a subject presiding over its own immediacy of becoming... It has become a 'being'; and it belongs to the nature of every 'being' that it is a potential for every 'becoming.'

p.23 Chapter One made it clear that every concrescing actual entity involves other actual entities in its process of becoming - i.e., other actual entities serve as data for concrescing subjects.

p.24 the 'principle of relativity'... asserts that the notion of an 'entity' means 'an element contributory to the process of becoming.'

p.33 The universe is... a creative advance into novelty.

p.33 An actual entity feels as it does in order to be the actual entity which it is.

p.41 every 'being' is a potential for a 'becoming.' The actual world is the 'objective content' of each new creation.

p.63 The novelty may promote or destroy order; it may be good or bad. But it is new, a new type of individual, and nor merely a new intensity of individual feeling.

p.69-70 In this synthesis, feelings of an earlier phase sink into the components of some more complex feeling of a later phase. Thus each phase adds its element of novelty, until the final phase in which the one complex 'satisfaction' is reached.

p.86-88 An unspecialized society can survive through important changes in its environment. This means that it can take on different functions in respect to its relationship to a changing environment. In general the defining characteristic of such a society will not include any particular determination of structural pattern. By reason of this flexibility of structural pattern, the society can adopt that special pattern adapted to the circumstances of the moment... the problem for Nature is the production of societies which are 'structured' with a high 'complexity,' and which are at the same time 'unspecialized.' In this way, intensity is mated with survival... solving the problem... in each concrescent occasion its subjective aim originates novelty to match the novelty of the environment.

p.199 Every science must devise its own instruments. The tool required for philosophy is language.

p.200 Whatever is found in 'practice' must lie within the scope of the metaphysical description... Metaphysics is nothing but the description of the generalities which apply to all the details of practice.

No metaphysical system can hope entirely to satisfy these pragmatic tests. At best such a system will remain only an approximation to the general truths which are sought. In particular, there are no precisely stated axiomatic certainties from which to start. There is not even the language in which to frame them. The only possible procedure is to start from verbal expressions which, when taken by themselves with the current meaning of their words, are ill-defined and ambiguous.

p.206 A concrescence is a growing together of the remnants of the perishing past into the vibrant immediacy of a novel, present unity... The concrescence of an actual entity begins with a passive, receptive moment when the givenness of the past is thrust upon it; it then completes its becoming through a series of creative supplemental phases that adjust, integrate, and perhaps modify the given data... Sophisticated actual entities enjoy a complex inheritance as a result of their social involvement, and this complexity of inheritance begets originality in the supplemental phases as the means for achieving integration and unity.

p.210 Actual entities never change nor move; they become, and their becoming is also their moment of perishing.

p.212 Concrescence is the name given to the process that is any given actual entity; it is "the real internal constitution of a particular existent" [PR 320].

p.229 The true method of philosophical construction is to frame a scheme of ideas, the best that one can, and unflinchingly to explore the interpretation of experience in terms of that scheme" [PR 4,x].

p.235 Prehensions are defined as "Concrete facts of Relatedness" [PR 32]. Prehensions... "feel what is there and transform it into what is here" [PR 133].

Prehensions are what an actual entity is composed of: "The first analysis of an actual entity, into its most concrete elements, discloses it to be a concrescence of prehensions, which have originated in its process of becoming" [PR 35].

p.244 Subjective aim - The subjective aim of an actual entity is the total ideal of what that subject could become, which shapes the very nature of the becoming subject.