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The Practice of Everyday Life (de Certeau, Rendall, 1984, 1988)

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Michel de Certeau, translated by Steven Rendall


p.43 Everyday practices depend on a vast ensemble which is difficult to delimit but which we may provisionally designate as an ensemble of procedures. The latter are schemas of operations and of technical manipulations.

p.55-56 Bourdieu... practices give an adequate response to contingent situations... it is not a matter of strategies strictly speaking; there is no choice among several possibilities, and thus no "strategic intention"; there is no introduction of correctives due to better information, and thus not "the slightest calculation"; there is no prediction, but only an "assumed world" as the repetition of the past. In short, "it is because subjects do not know, strictly speaking, what they are doing, that what they do has more meaning than they realize."

p.79 Narration... produces effects, not objects.

p.115 Every story is a travel story - a spatial practice.

p.117 A space exists when one takes into consideration vectors of direction, velocities, and time variables. Thus space is composed of intersections of mobile elements. It is in a sense actuated by the ensemble of movements deployed within it. Space occurs as the effect produced by the operations that orient it, situate it, temporalize it, and make it function in a polyvalent unity of conflictual programs or contractual proximities.

p.118 Stories... organize the play of changing relationships between places and spaces. The forms of this play are numberless... from the putting in place of an immobile and stone-like order... to the accelerated succession of actions that multiply spaces

p.123-126 By considering the role of stories in delimitation, one can see that the primary function is to authorize the establishment, displacement or transcendence of limits, and as a consequence, to set in opposition, within the closed field of the discourse, two movements that intersect... 1. Creating a theater of actions. The story's first function is to authorize, or more exactly, to found... This founding is precisely the primary role of the story. It opens a legitimate theater for practical actions... 2. Frontiers and Bridges. Stories are actuated by a contradiction that is represented in them by the relationship between the frontier and the bridge, that is, between a (legitimate) space and its (alien) exteriority. 

p.125 This founding is precisely the primary role of the story. It opens a legitimate theater for practical actions. It creates a field that authorizes dangerous and contingent social actions... A narrative activity, even if it is multiform and no longer unitary, thus continues to develop where frontiers and relations with space abroad are concerned. Fragmented and disseminated, it is continually concerned with marking out boundaries... Like the Roman fetiales, stories "go in procession" ahead of social practices in order to open a field for them.