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From Mechanisms of Adaptation to Intelligence Amplifiers: The Philosophy of W. Ross Ashby (Asaro, 2008)
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in The Mechanical Mind in History, Husbands, Holland, Wheeler (eds.)
JLJ - Asaro tells a clear and coherent story as he teaches. Readable, understandable, beneficial. My major hang-up here is with the concept of "selection".
Our "selection" of one action over any other is tied to our "selection" of consequences - and of the consequences of the consequences - in deliberating what might happen next. Essentially, it is our ability to construct scenarios of possible and probable futures (based on the colliding forces of joint action) that allow "correct" choices. Certain sequences that are we perceive as unlikely but sustainable are not worth pondering. We ponder instead the web of wise, sequential hypotheses of animated actions.

p.149-150 A medical doctor and psychiatrist by training, Ashby approached the brain as being first and foremost an organ of the body. Like other organs the brain had specific biological functions to perform. Ashby further believed that through a thoughtful analysis of those functions, a quantitatively rigorous analysis of the brain’s mechanisms could be devised... By always insisting upon sticking to the naturalistic functions of the brain, and to quantitative methods, Ashby was led to a number of startling and unique insights into the nature of intelligence that remain influential.
p.152 [Ashby] I have worked to increase our understanding of the mechanistic aspect of "intelligence," partly to obtain a better insight into the processes of the living brain, partly to bring the same processes into action synthetically.
p.153 Ashby recognizes that the instruments of investigation shape what one finds, and the question is what instruments to use to study the brain.
p.154 Ashby sought to apply mechanistic analysis to the gross holistic organization of behavior directly, not merely to low-level processes, and to thereby demonstrate the general mechanisms by which the brain could achieve mental performances.
  The first step in this conceptual move... he took an epistemological approach which sought to explain the mental process of "equilibrium." This approach is epistemological insofar as it attempts to show that we can know or understand the mind the same way we understand mechanical processes - by virtue of the analogy made between them... Ashby... rather than argue that adaptation is reducible to this concept [JLJ - that the mind must submit to mechanistic explanation because it was necessarily made up of the obviously physical brain], shows that it is equivalent, and hence can be analyzed and studied in the same manner as mechanical processes but independent of its specific material composition.
p.154 The central argument of Ashby’s mechanistic approach first appears in ‘‘Adaptiveness and Equilibrium’’ (1940). The title discloses the two concepts that he argues are analogous. In its final formulation, the analogy he argued for was that adaptive behavior, such as when a kitten learns to avoid the hot embers from a fire, was equivalent to the behavior of a system in equilibrium. In establishing this analogy, he shows that the biological phenomena of adaptive behavior can be described with the language and mathematical rigor of physical systems in states of equilibrium.
p.155 a peculiar feature of living organisms is their adaptive behavior... the capacity for adaptation is necessary, and possibly sufficient, for something to be a living organism.
p.155 [Jennings, 1915] Organisms do those things that advance their welfare. If the environment changes, the organism changes to meet the new conditions... In innumerable details it does those things that are good for it.
p.156 [Ashby, 1940] stable equilibrium is necessary for existence, and that systems in unstable equilibrium inevitably destroy themselves. Consequently, if we find that a system persists, in spite of the usual small disturbances which affect every physical body, then we may draw the conclusion with absolute certainty that the system must be in stable equilibrium.
p.156 Ashby later (1945) employed the simpler definition of the physicist Hendrik Lorentz (1927): ‘‘By a state of equilibrium of a system we mean a state in which it can persist permanently’’ (p.15). Since many equilibrium states are precarious and unlikely, Ashby further qualifies this by accepting the definition of a ‘‘stable’’ equilibrium as one in which a system will return to the equilibrium state even when some of its variables are disturbed slightly.
p.156 Ashby... clarifies the concept’s meaning (Ashby 1940, pp. 479, 483):
We must notice some minor points at this stage. Firstly, we notice that ‘‘stable equilibrium’’ does not mean immobility. A body, e.g. a pendulum swinging, may vary considerably and yet be in stable equilibrium the whole time. Secondly, we note that the concept of ‘‘equilibrium’’ is essentially a dynamic one. If we just look at the three bodies [cube, cone, and sphere] on our table and do nothing with them the concept of equilibrium can hardly be said to have any particular meaning. It is only when we disturb the bodies and observe their subsequent reactions that the concept develops its full meaning....
  The question of whether adaptiveness is always equivalent to ‘‘stable equilibrium’’ is difficult. First we must study the nature of ‘‘adaptiveness’’ a little closer.
p.157 in all cases adaptiveness is shown only in relation to some specific situation... we are dealing with a circuit, for we have, first: environment has an effect on the animal, and then: the animal has some effect on the environment. The concept of adaptive behavior deals with the relationship between the two effects. It becomes meaningless if we try to remove one of the effects.
p.157 "Adaptation," like other scientific concepts, is nothing more than a set of observed reactions of various systems under different conditions. Those conditions are crucial insofar as the environment provides the context for the actions and the reactions - the behavior - of the system, a necessary link in the chain of cause and effect.
p.157 Mechanical theory was of particular interest to Ashby by virtue of its potential for supplying a mathematical basis for psychology.
p.158 A break is a change in the organization of a system... the equations or functions that previously defined the system no longer hold true... a break, or change in the constants, is necessarily a discontinuous change from one distinct organization to another distinct organization - in other words, a shift from one set of equations to another set of equations.
p.159 (Ashby 1945, p. 17): We may state this principle in the form: dynamic systems stop breaking when, and only when, they reach a state of equilibrium. And since a ‘‘break’’ is a change of organization, the principle may be restated in the more important form: all dynamic systems change their internal organizations spontaneously until they arrive at some state of equilibrium.
The process of breaking continues indefinitely as long as the variables describing the system continue to exceed tolerable limits on their values - that is, until the variables can be kept within certain limits... the organism adapts to its environment by successive trials of internal reorganization until it finds an equilibrium in which its physiological needs are met. In later writings, Ashby (1952a, c) will stress the importance of certain ‘‘essential variables,’which the organism must maintain within certain limits in order to stay alive...  In its psychological formulation, the thinking system behaves so as to seek and approach a ‘‘goal,’’ defined as a set of desired values over certain variables. The organism thus seeks to find an equilibrium of a specific kind, one in which essential variables are kept within their safe and vital limits, or in which a goal is satisfied.
p.159 Generally, a breakdown is seen as undesirable... Here it has become the supreme virtue of living machines: the creative drive, the power to generate alternative organizations in order to adapt to the environment...a change in the relationships between variables cannot be as easily expressed. In order to describe a machine that changes its dynamics, it is necessary to switch from one set of functions to another.
p.160 The living system can maintain some desired portion of its organization in equilibrium, the essential variables, even as the rest of the system changes dynamically in response to disturbances that threaten to destroy that desired equilibrium. For Ashby, this involved developing his conception of "ultrastability" - the power of a system to always find a suitable equilibrium despite changes in its environmental conditions... the organism achieves a certain kind of stability for a few vital variables
p.162 Ashby... offers the Homeostat as an example of a simulation useful in scientific education for demonstrating that goal-seeking behavior, as a trial-and-error search for equilibrium, presents a fundamentally different kind of mechanical process—negative feedback with step-functions—and opens up new vistas of possibility for what machines might be capable of doing.
p.162 Throughout these efforts, Ashby sought to motivate and inspire the belief that a revolution had occurred in our understanding of machines, and that the mechanism of adaptation might ultimately result in machines capable of impressive and even superhuman performances. [JLJ - computer chess, perhaps?]
p.168 In biological systems, the random variations of mutation supply alternative possibilities unforeseen by any designer, and thus the organism can evolve capacities beyond its own design.
p.169 Ashby suggested that we ought to design machines that would amplify the intellectual powers of average humans.
p.170 According to Ashby, intelligence implies a selection: intelligence is the power of appropriate selection.
p.171 intelligence is now understood as a combination of the abilities to produce a great many meaningless alternatives, and to eliminate by appropriate selection the incorrect choices among those—a two-stage process. [JLJ - easier said than done. You would need to start with a collection of hypotheses, some ideas on how to maintain a sustainability, and a wisdom that selectively and sequentially asks, "and now what?" We also need to get away from the thinking that choices somehow can be "correct" or "incorrect" - we may never know due to the complexity and uncertainty present. Instead, we choose how to "go on" - the unknown (and unknowable) consequences of the consequences of the consequences will resolve and determine how "correct" or "incorrect" we are. We strategically choose how to position ourselves (and our adaptive capacity) for what essentially is "further maneuver" in whatever it is that follows - foreseen or otherwise. "Correct" is for questions on tests - life is a much more ambiguous examiner.]
p.175 [Ashby, 1961] What I am saying is that if the measure is applied to both on a similar basis it will be found that each, computer and living brain, can achieve appropriate selection precisely so far as it is allowed to by the quantity of information that it has received and processed.
p.182 Ashby’s Law of Requisite Variety states that any system that is to control the ultimate outcome of any interaction in which another system also exerts some control must have at least as much variety in its set of alternative moves as the other system if it is to possibly succeed (Ashby 1956b, p. 206).

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