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Steps Toward Artificial Intelligence (Minsky, 1963)

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p.3 A computer can do, in a sense, only what it is told to do.

[JLJ - Yes, but it can perform clever tricks that work when executed, and therefore seem to be intelligent.]

 p.5  systems like chess, or nontrivial parts of mathematics, are too complicated for complete analysis. Without complete analysis, there must always remain some core of search, or “trial and error.” So we need to find techniques through which the results of incomplete analysis can be used to make the search more efficient.
[JLJ - When humans search, they use hypotheses and construct plausible paths - humans understand the concept of sustainability and seem to have it built into our system. We do not search paths that are not plausible or that contain behavior that "disengages" from struggle for no reason. In a dynamically complex environment, we construct sustainable positions by performing diagnostic tests and imagining likely ways that they could become unstable. We consider the consequences of the consequences, creating plausible scenarios which probe for weakness and opportunity. You can call it "searching" if you like - I prefer to think in terms of strategically exploring consequential space.] 
p.5 we must use whatever we know in advance to guide the trial generator. And we must also be able to make use of results obtained along the way.
p.6  it is essential to observe that a comparator by itself, however shrewd, cannot alone give any improvement over exhaustive search. The comparator gives us information about partial success, to be sure. But we need also some way of using this information to direct the pattern of search in promising directions; to select new trial points which are in some sense “like,” or “similar to,” or “in the same direction as” those which have given the best previous results. To do this we need some additional structure on the search space. This structure need not bear much resemblance to the ordinary spatial notion of direction, or that of distance, but it must somehow tie together points which are heuristically related.
  We will call such a structure a heuristic connection.
p.43 The real problem is to find methods that significantly delay the apparently inevitable exponential growth of search trees.
p.46 In the complex exploration process proposed for chess by Newell, Shaw, and Simon [49] [JLJ - A. Newell, J. C. Shaw, and H. A. Simon, "Chess-playing programs and the problem of complexity," IBM J. Res. Dev. vol. 2, p. 320 ff., October 1958], we have a form of Inheritance method with a non-numerical stop-condition... we feel that the scheme of [49] deserves careful study by anyone planning serious work in this area. It shows only the beginning of the complexity sure to come in our development of intelligent machines.