p.89-90 John Frederick Fuller...made great effort to discover the principles of war, of which he settled on nine: direction, concentration, distribution, determination, surprise, endurance, mobility, offensive action, and security... even barring his most extreme ideas - say, that armies should consist of tanks alone and every infantryman provided with his individual tankette - many of his suggestions have come to pass.
p.142 The principal constraints on production were...
p.157 it was only logistical constraints that really compelled the Red Army to halt.
p.149 The Germans were also the first to use electronic navigation aids, sending out electronic beams that aircraft could receive and use to orient themselves. The British countered by generating their own beams intended to mislead the Germans, and so on in an endless series of moves and countermoves
p.174 the number of bombs available ceased to present a serious constraint for planning purposes.