New Website
How Organizations Learn and Unlearn (Hedberg, 1981)
Studying Cognitive Phenomena with Behaviorist Techniques: Tolman's Work (Ormond, 2008)
A Behavioristic Account of the Emotions (Tolman, 1923)
A New Formula for Behaviorism (Tolman, 1922)
Purpose and Cognition: the Determiners of Animal Learning (Tolman, 1925)
Behaviorism and Purpose (Tolman, 1925)
A Stimulus-Expectancy Need-Cathexis Psychology (Tolman, 1945)
Psychological Man (Tolman, 1941)
Operational Behaviorism and Current Trends in Psychology (Tolman, 1936)
Psychology Versus Immediate Experience (Tolman, 1935)
Gestalt and Sign-Gestalt (Tolman, 1933)
A Behaviorist's Definition of Consciousness (Tolman, 1927)
A Behavioristic Theory of Ideas (Tolman, 1926)
The Organism and the Causal Texture of the Environment (Tolman, Brunswik, 1935)
Revisiting Tolman, His Theories and Cognitive Maps (Johnson, Crowe, 2008)
How the Mind Works (Pinker, 1997)
Components of Attention (Posner, Boies, 1971)
The Attention System of the Human Brain (Posner, Petersen, 1990)
Trait Arousability and its Impact on Adaptive Multimedia Training (Schatz, 2008)
A Dictionary of Ethology (Immelmann, Beer, 1989)
Complexity and Philosophy (Heylighen, Cilliers, Gershenson, 2006)
Principles of the Self-Organizing System (Ashby, 1962)
Design for a Brain: The Origin of Adaptive Behaviour (Ashby, 1960)
Evolutionary Epistemology (Heylighen, 1993, 1995)
Objective, Subjective and Intersubjective Selectors of Knowledge (Heylighen, 1997)
An Introduction to Cybernetics (Ashby, 1956, 1957)
Formulating the Problem of Problem-Formulation (Heylighen, 1988)
Requisite Variety and its Implications for the Control of Complex Systems (Ashby, 1958)
The Organization of Behavior (Hebb, 1949)
On the Parallel Between Learning and Evolution (Pringle, 1951)
Design for a Brain (Ashby, 1952, 1954)
The Determiners of Behavior at a Choice Point (Tolman, 1938)
Cognitive Maps in Rats and Men (Tolman, 1948)
Purposive Behavior in Animals and Men (Tolman, 1932)
Darwin and the Humanities (Baldwin, 1909)
Unjustified Variation and Selective Retention in Scientific Discovery (Campbell, 1974)
Perception as Substitute Trial and Error (Campbell, 1956)
The Decline of Astrology (Peric, 2009)
Sustainable Development Requires an Integrating Discipline (Martins, 2009)
Blind Variation and Selective Retention in Creative Thought (Campbell, 1960)
Evolutionary Epistemology (Campbell, 1974)
An Ecosystem Approach for Sustainability: Addressing the Challenge of Complexity (Kay et al, 1999)
Cognitive Levels of Evolution (Heylighen, 1991)
System Approach and Managing Diversity in Complex Systems (Beauchamp-Akatova, 2007)
Systems Thinking: The Key to Survival (Taylor, 2009)
Sustainability Planning and its Role in Creating Capacity for Learning (Pusztai, 2006)
Genetic Contributions to Generalized Arousal of Brain and Behavior (Pfaff, 2003)
Theoretical Appraisal of Sustainability Metrics and Empirical Application (Browne, 2006)
Ockham's Razor and Its Improper Use (Gernert, 2007)
Resilience Practice (Walker, Salt, 2012)
Fischer and the King's Gambit
Understanding Uncertainty and Reducing Vulnerability (Berkes, 2007)
Ecosystems and the Biosphere as Complex Adaptive Systems (Levin, 1998)
Ecosystem Theories - Orientor Theory (Scott, Witte, Kasimov, 2009, 2010)
Sweet Dreams (Dennett, 2005)
Intentionality (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2003, 2010)
Consciousness and Intentionality (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2002, 2006)
The Computational Theory of Mind (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2003, 2009)
Language of Thought Revisited (Fodor, 2008, 2010)
The Modularity of Mind (Fodor, 1983)
The Intentional Stance (Dennett, 1987, 1998)
Why Computers Will Never Be People (Price, 2004)
True Believers: The Intentional Strategy and Why It Works (Dennett, 1981)
Intentionality (Dennett, Haugeland, 1987)
Minds, Brains, and Programs (Searle, 1980)
Having Thought: Essays in the Metaphysics of Mind (Haugeland, 1998, 2000)
Information: The New Language of Science (von Baeyer, 2003, 2005)
Brain Arousal and Information Theory (Pfaff, 2006)
Freedom Evolves (Dennett, 2003)
My System (Nimzowitsch, 2007)
Elements of Positional Evaluation, 4th Edition (Heisman, 2010)
Developing Through Relationships (Fogel, 1993)
Sociological Theory in the Contemporary Era: Text and Readings 2Ed (Edles, Appelrouth, 2011)
How Brains Make Up Their Minds (Freeman, 2000)
An Invitation to Social Construction 2ed (Gergen, 1999, 2009)
Narrative Discourse (Genette, 1972, 1980, 1983)
Symbolic Interactionism: Perspective and Method (Blumer, 1969, 1986)
Relational Being: Beyond Self and Community (Gergen, 2009)
Phenomenology of Perception (Merleau-Ponty, 1945, 1962)
Signs (Merleau-Ponty, 1960, 1964)
Forms of Vitality (Stern, 2010)
The Present Moment in Psychotherapy and Everyday Life (Stern, 2004)
Conversational Realities Revisited (Shotter, 1993, 2008)
Social Construction on the Edge (Shotter, 2010)
Assessing and Enhancing Adaptive Capacity (Brooks, Adger, 2003)
Towards a Characterisation of Adaptive Capacity (Jones, Ludi, Levine, 2010)
Building Adaptive Capacity (Sammet, 2011)
The World at a Glance (Casey, 2000)
Getting It: Withness-Thinking and the Dialogical in Practice (Shotter, 2011)
Goethe and the Refiguring of Intellectual Inquiry (Shotter, 2005)
Reconstructing Communicating: Looking to a Future (Penman, 2000)
Zettel (Wittgenstein, 1981)
Speech Genres and Other Late Essays (Bakhtin, 1986)
Human Nature as the Product of Our Mental Models (Bohm, 1973)
The Dialogic Imagination (Bakhtin, 1981, 2006)
Human Action and its Psychological Investigation (Gauld, Shotter, 1977)
Intentional Acts and Institutional Facts: Essays on John Searle's Social Ontology (Tsohatzidis,2007)
Mikhail Bakhtin: Main Theories
Segmenting the Behavior Stream (Collett, 1980)
The Structure of Action (Brenner, 1980)
A Conception of Situated Action (Ginsburg, 1980)
Inside Processes (Shotter, 2005)
Perplexity: Preparing for the Happenings of Change (Shotter, 2008)
Real Presences (Steiner, 1991)
Perceiving 'Things' and 'Objects' From Within Processes (Shotter, 2011)
Meeting the Universe Halfway: Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning (Barad, 2007)
Posthumanist Performativity: Toward an Understanding of How Matter Comes to Matter (Barad, 2003)
Reflections on Sociomateriality and Dialogicality in Organization Studies (Shotter, 2011)
Instead of Theory Critique and Debate (Shotter, 2006)
Cartesian Change, Chiasmic Change: The Power of Living Expression (Shotter, 2003)
Dialogism and Polyphony in Organizing Theorizing in Organization Studies (Shotter, 2008)
Philosophical Investigations (Wittgenstein, 1953, 2009)
Gergen, Confluence, and His Turbulent, Relational Ontology (Shotter, 2012)
More Than Cool Reason (Shotter, 2012)
Language, Joint Action, and the Ethical Domain (Shotter, 2011)
Action, Joint Action and Intentionality (Shotter, 1980)
Working Knowledge: How Organizations Manage What They Know (Davenport, Prusak, 2000)
diagnostic test of adaptive capacity
Conversational Realities (Shotter, 1993)
The Story of the Mind (Baldwin, 1898, 1902)
Handbook of Psychology: Feeling and Will (Baldwin, 1891)
Mental Development in the Child and the Race (Baldwin, 1894, 1906)
Real Social Science: Applied Phronesis (Flyvbjerg, Landman, Schram, 2012)
Kluge: The Haphazard Construction of the Human Mind (Marcus, 2008)
The Concept of Consciousness (Holt, 1914)
The New Realism (Holt, 1912)
Creative Experience (Follett, 1924)
Accomodation: Toward a Paradigm-Praxis Dialectic (Firestone, 1990)
The Paradigmatic and Narrative Modes in Goal-Guided Inference (Zukier, 1986)
The Meaning of Meaning (Ogden, Richards, 1927)
Design for Thinking (Upton, 1973)
Design in Nature (Bejan, Zane, 2012)
Game Theory for Business: A Primer in Strategic Gaming (Papayoanou, 2010, 2011)
Perception and Misperception in International Politics (Jervis, 1976)
Vital Lies, Simple Truths: The Psychology of Self-Deception (Goleman, 1985, 2005)
Effective Capacity Building in Nonprofit Organizations (McKinsey & Company, 2001)
Leading Starts in the Mind (El-Meligi, 2005)
Creative Evolution (Bergson, 1911)
Multitasking: The Brain Seeks Novelty (Poldrack, 2009)
Learnings From the Long View (Schwartz, 2011)
The Philosophy of Hegel (Friedrich, 1954)
Power: A New Social Analysis (Russell, 1938, 2004)
Integrating Intelligence and Information (Flynn, Flynn, 2012)
Programming the Universe (Lloyd, 2007)
Black Holes, Demons and the Loss of Coherence (Lloyd, 1988)
Ultimate Physical Limits to Computation (Lloyd, 2000)
Executives' Perceptual Filters: What They Notice and How They Make Sense (Starbuck, Milliken, 1988)
The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action (Schon, 1983)
Sensemaking in Organizations (Weick, 1995)
Staff Organization and Operations (Department of the Army, 1997)
Building Adaptive Capacity (Sussman, 2004)
Assessment of Malingered Neuropsychological Deficits (Larrabee, 2007)
The Complete Wargames Handbook (Dunnigan, 1997, 2005)
The Art of Wargaming: A Guide for Professionals and Hobbyists (Perla, 1990)
Wargaming and Simulation as Tools for CONOPS Development (Rhoads, Gilman, 2004)
The Sixth Sense (van der Heijden, 2002)
Scenario Planning: A Field Guide to the Future (Wade, 2012)
Beyond the Pleasure Principle (Freud, Dufresne, 2011)
The Tragic Human and Desire in "The Ethics of Psychoanalysis" (Dean, 2005)
German Philosophers: Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche (Scruton, Singer, Janaway, Tanner, 1997)
The Narrative Construction of Reality (Bruner, 1991)
Timely Meditations: Martin Heidegger and Postmodern Politics (Thiele, 1995)
Narrative and Historical Realism (Dray, 2001)
Life as Narrative (Bruner, 1987)
The Culture of Education (Bruner, 1996)
Jerome S. Bruner
Akrasia in Greek Philosophy: From Socrates to Plotinus (Bobonich, Destree, 2007)
Socrates and Coherent Desire (Brown, Shaw, 2007)
Reading for the Plot: Design and Intention in Narrative (Brooks, 1984, 1992)
Tell Me a Story (Schank, 1990, 1995)
Narrative Explanation (Velleman, 2003)
Occam's Razor
Narrative Knowing and the Human Sciences (Polkinghorne, 1988)
Historical Understanding (Mink, Fay, Golob, Vann, 1987)
Telling It Like It Was (Norman, 2001)
From Narrative History to Problem-Oriented History (Furet, 2001)
Good Strategy/ Bad Strategy (Rumelt, 2011)
Indra's Net and the Midas Touch (Thiele, 2011)
The Essential Husserl (Welton, 1999)
A Place for Stories: Nature, History and Narrative (Cronon, 2001)
The Structure of Narrative (Lemon, 2001)
What is a Human Being? A Heideggerian View (Olafson, 1995)
The Dialectic of Action (Olafson, 2001)
Narrative Form as a Cognitive Instrument (Mink, 2001)
Critique of Dialectical Reason, Volume 2 (Sartre, Elkaim-Sartre, Hoare, 2006)
The Cambridge Companion to Sartre (Howells, 1992)
The Feeling of What Happens (Damasio, 1999)
Getting the Story Straight (Carr, 2001)
Human Communication As Narration (Fisher, 1987, 1989)
Narrative and the Real World (Carr, 2001)
Time, Narrative, and History (Carr, 1991)
The Heart of Judgment: Practical Wisdom, Neuroscience, and Narrative (Thiele, 2006)
Towards a Poetics of Fiction (Hardy, 1968)
Theology and Narrative (Goldberg, 1982)
The Nature of a Paradigm (Masterman, 1970)
The Narrative Paradigm: An Elaboration (Fisher, 1985)
Language-Action: A Paradigm for Communication (Frentz, Farrell, 1976)
The Nicomachean Ethics (Aristotle, ~330BC, 1953, 1976, 2004)
What Do Cases Do? Some Notes on Activity in Sociological Analysis (Abbott, 1992)
A Narrative Inquiry of the Intercultural and Academic Transitional Experiences... (Li, 2001)
Narrative Reflections on Practical Actions (Mattingly, 1991)
Nietzsche: Life as Literature (Nehamas, 1985)
Mind and Nature: a Necessary Unity (Bateson, 1979, 2002)
The Historical Text as Literary Artifact (White, 1978)
News Narratives and News Framing (Johnson-Cartee, 2005)
Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature (Rorty, 1979)
Narration as a Human Communication Paradigm: The Case of Public Moral Argument (Fisher, 1984)
Creating Powerful Products (Dietz, 2000)
After Virtue: A Study in Moral Theory, Third Ed. (MacIntyre, 2007)
Rationality and Power: Democracy in Practice (Flyvbjerg, 1998)
Phronetic Planning Research: Theoretical and Methodological Reflections (Flyvbjerg, 2004)
Outline of a Theory of Practice (Bourdieu, 1977)
Why Studies of Human Capacities Modeled on Ideal Natural Science... (Dreyfus, 1982, 1983, 1986)
The Outsider (Wilson, 1956, 1967)
The Basic Needs Approach (Galtung, 1978, 1980)
Habits of the Heart (Bellah, Madsen, Sullivan, Swidler, Tipton, 1996)
The key to solving problems is to...
Smart Thinking (Markman, 2012)
ReInventing Yourself (Chandler, 1998)
The Art of Quantum Planning (Harris, 2009)
Inevitable Surprises: Thinking Ahead in a Time of Turbulence (Schwartz, 2003)
Scenario-Driven Planning (Georgantzas, Acar, 1995)
Business Planning for Turbulent Times (Ramirez, Selsky, van der Heijden, 2008, 2010)
As We May Think (Bush, 1945)
The Archaeology of Knowledge (Foucault, Smith, 1972)
Anticonventional Thinking (Baumgartner, 2011)
Turning Problems into Innovation Challenges (Baumgartner, 2009)
The Way of the Innovation Master (Baumgartner, 2010)
Social Science that Matters (Flyvbjerg, 2005)
Scenario planning (Wikipedia)
Peter Schwartz (Wikipedia)
Enhancing Strategic Planning with Massive Scenario Generation (Davis, Bankes, Egner, 2007)
Human Needs and Development (Tobar-Arbulu, 1987)
The Subject and Power (Foucault, 1982)
Facing the Fold: Essays on Scenario Planning (Ogilvy, 2011)
The Content of the Form: Narrative Discourse and Historical Representation (White, 1987, 1990)
The Cambridge Companion to Hegel (Beiser, 1993)
Nietzsche, Freud, Marx (Foucault, 1964)
The Cambridge Campanion to Nietzsche (Magnus, Higgins, 1996)
Power, History and Geneology: Friedrich Nietzche and Michel Foucault (Bielskis, 2009)
Can Nietzschean power relations be experimentally investigated (Gomez, Cacho, 2001)
Simply Complexity: A Clear Guide to Complexity Theory (Johnson, 2007, 2010)
Discipline and Punish (Foucault, Sheridan, 1975, 1977, 1995)
The Cambridge Companion to Aristotle (Barnes, 1995, 2007)
The Cambridge Companion to Foucault (Gutting, 1994, 1996)
Planning and Foucault: In Search of the Dark Side of Planning Theory (Flyvbjerg, Richardson, 2002)
Habermas and Foucault: Thinkers for Civil Society? (Flyvbjerg, 1998)
Structural Dynamics (external)
Learning From the Future: Competitive Foresight Scenarios (Fahey, Randall, 1998)
The Order of Things (Foucault, 1966, 1970, 1994)
Jacques Derrida
Roald Dahl
Franz Kafka
Creating Better Futures (Ogilvy, 2002)
Dynamic Mental Representations (Freyd, 1987)
Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings, 1972-1977 (Foucault, 1980)
The Art of War (Machiavelli, Wood, 1521, 1965)
Learning How to Control Complex Systems (Lloyd, 1995)
Adaptive Enterprise (Haeckel, 1999)
Practical Reliability Engineering (O'Connor, Kleyner, 2012)
The Scenario Planning Handbook (Ralston, Wilson, 2006)
Foucault (Merquior, 1985)
Michel Foucault and Theology (Bernauer, Carrette, 2004)
Foucault (Deleuze, Hand, 1986, 2006)
Discipline and Punish (Foucault, 1977, 1995)
Michel Foucault
Making Social Science Matter (Flyvbjerg, 2001)
Scenario Thinking: Practical Approaches to the Future (Wright, Cairns, 2011)
Strategic Foresight: A New Look at Scenarios (Marcus, 2009)
Strategic Management Theory: An Integrated Approach (Hill, Jones, 2009)
Scenario Planning: Managing for the Future (Ringland, 2006)
Scenario Planning: the Link Between Future and Strategy (Lindgren, Bandhold, 2009)
Scenarios: Shooting the Rapids (Wack, 1985)
Scenarios: Uncharted Waters Ahead (Wack, 1985)
Scenario Planning in Organizations (Chermack, 2011)
The Living Company (de Geus, 2002)
Biomimicry (Benyus, 1997, 2002)
The Art of the Long View (Schwartz, 1991, 1996)
Scenarios: The Art of Strategic Conversation (van der Heijden, 2005)
Strategic Planning with Critical Success Factors and Future Scenarios (Gates, 2010)
Why Conservation is Failing and How it Can Regain Ground (Freyfogle, 2006)
The Arrogance of Humanism (Ehrenfeld, 1978, 1981)
Sustainability, Learning and the Social Footprint (McElroy, 2007)
Sustainability: a Dissent (Newton, Freyfogle, 2005)
Transforming Sustainability: Identifying the Critical Success Factors for Sustainable Cities, Hubert
Actionable Performance Measurement: A Key to Success (Howell, 2006)
Developing the Competency of Serious Play (Hylton, 2007)
Ambiguity at Work: Scenario Development through Serious Play (Jacobs, Statler, 2003)
Refining the Military Appreciation Process for Adaptive Campaigning (Walker, 2011)
Napoleon on the Art of War (Luvaas, 1999)
Be Excellent at Anything (Schwartz, 2010)
Background of Critical Success Factor Research (Amberg, Fischl, Wiener, 2005)
A Primer on Critical Sucess Factors (Bullen, Rockart, 1981)
An Assessment of Critical Success Factors (Boynton, Zmud, 1984)
Pattern Formation in the Physical and Biological Sciences (Nijhout, Nadel, Stein, 1997)
The New New Product Development Game (Takeuchi, Nonaka, 1986)
Little Bets: How Breakthrough Ideas Emerge from Small Discoveries (Sims, 2011)
Critical Success Factors Simplified (Howell, 2010)
How to Get Prospects to Take Action (Miller, 2008)
Managing Change (Tuominen, 2000)
The Blind Spot (Byers, 2011)
Everything is Obvious (Watts, 2011)
Change is Your Competitive Advantage (Schoemer, 2009)
Landform - Structure, Evolution, Process Control (Otto, Dikau, 2010)
The Simulation of Human Thought (Newell, Simon, 1959)
Business as War (Fuller, 1993)
Business and Competitive Analysis (Fleisher, Bensoussan, 2007)
Brave New World (Chess Life August 2011, Sandler)
Concepts and Tools of Computer-assisted Policy Analysis: Vol.3 (Bossel, 1977)
Concepts and Tools of Computer-assisted Policy Analysis: Vol.2 (Bossel, 1977)
The Critical Success Factor Method (Caralli, 2004)
Practical Wisdom: Re-framing the Strategic Challenge of Preparedness (Statler, Roos, 2005)
1976 US Copyright Act
From Fitness Landscapes to Knowledge Landscapes (Oliver, Roos, 1999)
Getting Your Act Together: Mastering Corporate Complexity through Coherence (Roos, Lissack, 1999)
Ain't Misbehavin': Taking Play Seriously in Organizations (Statler, Roos, Victor, 2002)
In Search of Original Strategies: How About Some Serious Play? (Roos, Victor, 1998)
Controversies in Competitive Intelligence: The Enduring Issues (Fleisher, Blenkhorn, 2003)
U.S. Army Field Manual 34-3 (1990)
U.S. Army Field Manual 34-2-1 (1991)
U.S. Army Field Manual 34-2 (1994)
Chief Executives Define Their Own Data Needs (Rockart, 1979)
On the Planning Crisis: Systems Analysis of the 'First and Second Generations' (Rittel, 1972)
The Art and Science of Business Intelligence Analysis, Part B (Gilad, Herring, 1996)
Managing Frontiers in Competitive Intelligence (Fleisher, Blenkhorn, 2001)
From Knowledge to Intelligence (Rothberg, Erickson, 2005)
Strategic Intelligence (Liebowitz, 2006)
The Origins of Order (Kauffman, 1993)
Proven Strategies in Competitive Intelligence (Prescott, Miller, 2001)
Strategic and Competitive Analysis (Fleisher, Bensoussan, 2002)
The Manager's Guide to Competitive Intelligence (McGonagle, Vella, 2003)
Competitive Intelligence (Salmon, Linares, 1999)
Business Intelligence and Espionage (Greene, 1966)
Competitive Inteligence (West, 2001)
Competitive Intelligence for the Competitive Edge (Dutka, 1999)
Competitive Intelligence: Gathering, Analysing and Putting It to Work (Murphy, 2005)
Hyperformance: Using Competitive Intelligence for Better Strategy and Execution (Waters, 2010)
The Complete Guide to Competitive Intelligence (Tyson, 2002)
Competitive Intelligence Advantage (Sharp, 2009)
Competitive Intelligence (Kahaner, 1997)
The Business Intelligence System (Gilad, Gilad, 1988)
Dealing With Real-World Complexity (Hurlimann, 2007)
Backcasting as a Tool in Competitive Analysis (Wang, Guild, 1995)
The Art and Science of Business Intelligence Analysis, Part A (Gilad, Herring, 1996)
The New Competitor Intelligence (Fuld, 1995)
The Secret Language of Competitive Intelligence (Fuld, 2010)
The Financial Times Guide to Analysis For Managers (Bensoussan, Fleisher, 2009)
Dictionary of Military and Naval Quotations (Heinl, 1966)
Business Blindspots (Gilad, 1994)
The Book of Military Quotations (Tsouras, 1992, 2005)
Ben Gilad in the News
The War Game: A Critique of Military Problem Solving (Brewer, Shubik, 1979)
Games for Society, Business, and War: Towards a Theory of Gaming (Shubik, 1975)
Military Science in the Age of Peace (Howard, 1974)
Business Wargames (James, 1984, 1985)
The Children's Machine (Papert, 1994)
Mindstorms (Papert, 1993)
Game Theory at Work (Miller, 2003)
Business Wargaming (Oriesek, Schwarz, 2008)
Wargaming for Leaders (Herman, Frost, Kurz, 2009)
Complexity (Leahy, 2005, 2007)
Ben Gilad's Business War Games
Early Warning (Gilad, 2004)
Military Simulation (Wikipedia)
Business War Games (Gilad, 2009)
War Gaming Decisions: The Newest Risk Management Tool (Gilad, 2006)
Why the Strong Lose (Record, 2005)
Gaming the "System of Systems" (Haffa, Patton, 1998)
Systems Thinking and Counterinsurgencies (Baker, 2006)
Environmental Change, Strategic Foresight, and Impacts on Military Power (Briggs, 2010)
What's the Matter with Being a Strategist? (Galvin, 1989)
A Practical Guide to Design (Perez, 2011)
Neuroscience for Combat Leaders (Steadman, 2011)
Military Theory, Strategy, and Praxis (Kipp, Grau, 2011)
Integrated Planning (Grigsby, Gorman, Marr, McLamb, Stewart, Schifferle, 2011)
Influence as a Measure of Success (Knight, 2011)
Charles Darwin: The Origins of Doubt and the Rebirth of Praise (Henderson, 1986)
The Panda's Thumb (Gould, 1980, 1992)
On the Tendency of Varieties to depart indefinitely from the Original Type (Wallace, 1858)
Blue Ocean Strategy (Kim, Mauborgne, 2005)
Kellogg on Strategy (Dranove, Marciano, 2005)
Models of Thought V.2 (Simon, 1989)
Two Essays (Wells, 1818)
The Structure of Evolutionary Theory (Gould, 2002)
On Naval Timber and Aboriculture (Matthew, 1831)
Systems and Constraints: The Concept of Leverage (Dettmer, 2006)
Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System (Meadows, 1999)
The Leader's New Work: Building Learning Organizations (Senge, 1990)
Strategy: Process, Content, Context (de Wit, Meyer, 2010)
Seven Strategy Questions: A Simple Approach for Better Execution (Simmons, 2010)
Developing Business Strategies, 6th Edition (Aaker, 2001)
Making Strategy Work (Hrebiniak, 2005)
What Is Strategy? (Porter, 1996)
Transforming Corner-Office Strategy into Frontline Action (Gadiesh, Gilbert, 2001)
...should tell a company what to do (Google)
Systems Biology: Properties of Reconstructed Networks (Palsson, 2006)
Networks (external site)
Theories of Communication Networks (Monge, Contractor, 2003)
The Architecture of Integration (Beckham, 1993)
Shodo Management (Beckham, 1993)
The Hospital of the Future: A Leaders' Perspective (Abbott Laboratories, 2003)
Appreciative Intelligence (Thatchenkery, Metzker, 2006)
The Intangibles That Make a Hospital Excel (Beckham, 2006)
Lighting the Way (Beckham, 1992)
The Gift of Play (Brannen, 2002)
Battlefield Earth (Hubbard, 1982)
Play: The Pathway from Theory to Practice (Heidemann, Hewitt, 2010)
The Attention Economy: Understanding the New Currency of Business (Davenport, Beck, 2001)
Ignite the Genius Within: Discover Your Full Potential (Ranck, Nutter, 2009)
Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative (Robinson, 2011)
How to be a Brilliant Thinker (Sloane, 2010)
Ahead of the Curve: A Guide to Applied Startegic Thinking (Stowell, Mead, 2005)
Understanding Strategy (Chamberlain, 2010)
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Strategy (Harvard Business Review, 2011)
The Mind of the Strategist (Ohmae, 1982)
Running with the Herd: Building a Business Strategy (Beckham, 1995)
Go With the Flow (Beckham, 1994)
Organic Strategy (Beckham, 1998)
Strategic Thinking and the Road to Relevance (Beckham, 1991)
Planning for the Unknown (Beckham, 2002)
Time to Wal-Mart Health Care (Beckham, 2002)
What the Dog Saw (Gladwell, 2009)
A Different View of Information (Beckham, 2003)
The Wisdom of Good Enough (Beckham, 2008)
Crafting a Great Vision (Beckham, 2009)
Reason in Human Affairs (Simon, 1983)
The Art of Invention (Paley, 2010)
Living Up to the Name (Beckham, 2007)
A Different Strategy Book (Beckham, 2008)
When to Pay Attention (Beckham, 2001)
Andrew's Not So Excellent Adventure (Beckham, 1993)
Putting Learning to Work (Beckham, 1992)
Future Scanning (Beckham, 1997)
The Power of a Strategic Plan (Beckham, 2006)
Managing Complexity (Beckham, 2001)
Data That Predict (Beckham, 2007)
Strategy: What It Is, How It Works, Why It Fails (Beckham, 2000)
Positioning: The Battle for your Mind (Ries, Trout, 1981, 2001)
Jack Trout on Strategy (Trout, 2004)
Linked (Barabasi, 2002)
Computer Science as Empirical Inquiry: Symbols and Search (Simon, Newell, 1976)
The Power of Thinking Differently (Galindo, 2010)
Rethinking Public Policy-Making (Blunden, Dando, 1994, 1995)
Models of Thought (Simon, 1979)
Making Institutions Work (Vickers, 1973)
Rethinking the Future (J. Vickers, 1991)
Home Economics (Berry, 1987)
Perspectival Thinking for Inquiring Organisations (Haynes, 2000, 2007)
General System Theory: Foundations, Development, Applications (von Bertalanffy, 1968)
The Systems View of the World (Laszlo, 1996, 2002)
The Tacit Dimension (Polanyi, 1966, 2009)
Leveraging Cognition for Competitive Advantage (Muthusamy, Palanisamy, 2004)
Moltke on the Art of War (Hughes, Bell, 1993)
Maslow on Management (Maslow, 1998)
Control (Committee of Public Safety, 2010)
On War (Clausewitz, Howard, Paret, 1832, 1976, 1989)
The Seven Dimensions of Prosperity (Tetu, 2007)
Abandoning the Temple: John Boyd and Contemporary Strategy (Thomas, 2010)
Stabilizing Complex Adaptive Systems (Calhoun, Hayward, 2010)
Military Strategy: a General Theory of Power Control (Wylie, Wylie, 1967, 1989)
Ignore Everybody And 39 Other Keys to Creativity (MacLeod, 2009)
Projecting Force (Palazzo, Trentini, Hawkins, Brailey, 2010)
The Conscious Mind (Chalmers, 1996)
Use of New Knowledge and Knowledge Management to Gain Competitive Advantage (Sheikh, 2008)
advantage can be gained through relentless... (Google)
Marine Corps Operating Concepts - Third Edition (2010)
Versatility in the Age of Uncertainty (Flynn, 2010)
Poverties and Satisfiers: A Systems Look at Human Needs (Peet, Peet, 2000)
Engaging Theories in Interpersonal Communication (Baxter, Braithwaite, 2008)
Cognition, Communication, and Romantic Relationships (Honeycutt, Cantrill, 2001)
The Undirected Society (Vickers, 1959)
Value Systems and Social Process (Vickers, 1968, 1970)
Freedom in a Rocking Boat (Vickers, 1970, 1972)
Policymaking, Communication, and Social Learning (Vickers, 1987)
The Cognitive Bases of Interpersonal Communication (Hewes, 1995)
Communication in Our Lives (Wood, 2009)
The Quality of American Life: Perceptions, Evaluations, and Satisfactions (Campbell, Converse, 1975)
... are guides to action (Google)
Towards a Sociology of Management (Vickers, 1967)
Herbert Simon. Artificial Intelligence as a Framework for Understanding Intuition (Frantz, 2003)
Herbert Simon's Silent Revolution (Callebaut, 2007)
The Architecture of Complexity (Simon, 1962)
Prediction and Prescription in System Modeling (Simon, 1988)
The Sciences of the Artificial, 3rd Edition (Simon, 1996)
Bio-Inspired Artificial Intelligence (Floreano, Mattiussi, 2008)
Controlling the Human High Ground (Broekhuizen, 2010)
Administrative Behavior (Simon, 1945, 1997)
Models of Man (Simon, 1957)
Theoretical Interlude III (Max-Neef, 1982)
Foundations of Transdisciplinarity (Max-Neef, 2005)
Human Scale Development: Conception, Application and Further Reflections (Max-Neef, 1991)
Sustainable Development Indicators for the ChristchurchCanterbury System (Brown-Santirso, Peet,2005)
Systems and Ethics Thinking about Human Needs and Sustainability for the Next Millennium (Peet,1999)
The Role of Orientors in Modelling Sustainable Development (Moffatt, 2001)
Psychosocial Stress and Strategies for Managing Adversity (Taylor, 2010)
Defining and Achieving Decisive Victory (Gray, 2002)
Irregular Enemies and the Essence of Strategy: Can the American Way of War Adapt? (Gray, 2006)
Why Strategy is Difficult (Gray, 1999)
Successful Project Management (Rosenau, 1981)
Transformation and Strategic Surprise (Gray, 2005)
On Lines of Operations: A Framework for Campaign Design (Coxwell, 1995)
How Wars Are Won: The 13 Rules of War from Ancient Greece to the War on Terror (Alexander, 2002)
Makers of Modern Strategy: From Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age (Paret, 1986)
Another Bloody Century: Future Warfare (Gray, 2005)
Fighting Talk: Forty Maxims on War, Peace, and Strategy (Gray, 2007)
The 21st Century Security Environment and the Future of War (Gray, 2008)
War - Continuity in Change, and Change in Continuity (Gray, 2010)
Complexity and Postmodernism: Understanding Complexity (Cilliers, 1998)
Shaking the Invisible Hand (Moore, 2006)
How Nature Works: The Science of Self-Organized Criticality (Bak, 1996)
Harnessing Complexity (Axelrod, Cohen, 2000)
Systemic Operational Design (SOD): Gaining and Maintaining the Cognitive Initiative (Davison, 2006)
The United States Army Commander's Appreciation and Campaign Design (Vane, 2008)
A Note on Operational Design & Process Analysis (Van Bennekom, 1995)
Vision for a Joint Approach to Operational Design (Mattis, 2009)
A Systemic Concept for Operational Design (Schmitt, 2006)
Operational Design (Jones, 2009)
Applying the Methods and Approaches of Complex Systems to Counter-Terrorism (Brandoff, 2008)
Restoring Nature: Perspectives from the social sciences (Gobster, Hull, 2000)
Red Harvest (Hammett, 1929, 1992)
Inter-Bella: Understanding the Area of Operations Ecosystem (Wineera, 2009)
The Changing Face of War (van Creveld, 2008)
The Transformation of War (van Creveld, 1991)
A Red Harvest in the "Conflict Ecosystem"
Marshall McLuhan
Counterinsurgency Redux (Kilcullen, 2006)
Complex Adaptive Systems (Miller, Page, 2007)
Modern Strategy
Parameters Magazine
Proceedings Magazine
Australian Army Journal
Military Review
Scientific Research and Human Needs (Bisogno, 1981)
The Vigorous Mind (Cummings, 2009)
Foresight: The Art and Science of Anticipating the Future (Loveridge, 2009)
Science and Beyond (Rose, Appignanesi, 1986)
The Art of Judgment: A Study of Policy Making (Vickers, 1965, 1995)
The Building Blocks to Being Resilient (Price, 2010)
The Development of Scientific Warfare (Anon., 1923)
Next Question (Rosenhaus, Rosenhaus, 2008)
Research and Human Needs (Forti, Bisogno, 1981)
Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis (Allison, Zelikow, 1999)
On War (Clausewitz, Maude, 1832, 1908)
Hope & Despair: How Perceptions of the Future Shape Human Behavior (Reading, 2004)
The Resilient Organization (Valikangas, 2010)
Play: How It Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul (Brown, 2009)
2007 CCRTS: Operationalising Adaptive Campaigning (Grisogono, Ryan, 2007)
Three Pillars of Counterinsurgency (Kilcullen, 2006)
Notes on Basic Needs - Priorities and Normative Change (Bossel, 1975, 1981)
An Alternate Military Strategy for the War on Terrorism (Canonico, 2004)
Lateral Thinking: Creativity Step by Step (de Bono, 1970, 1973)
Operationalising Adaptive Campaigning (Grisogono, Ryan, 2007)
The Farther Reaches of Human Nature (Maslow, 1971, 1993)
The Element (Robinson, 2009)
What is a Business Strategy? (Doherty Associates, 2010)
The Boyd Cycle... the Crux of Success and Survival (Leland, 2008)
Simple Buddhism: A Guide to Enlightened Living (Simpkins, Simpkins, 2000)
What Does it Mean to Orient Oneself in Thinking? (Koddermann, Cannon, 2005)
Start Where You Are (Gardner, 2009)
Motivation and Personality (Maslow, 1954, 1987)
The Uses of Enchantment (Bettelheim, 1975)
The Gifted Adult (Jacobsen, 1999)
Bricolage, Care and Information (Avgerou, Lanzara, Willcocks, 2009)
Resilience Engineering Perspectives, Volume 2 (Nemeth, Hollnagel, Dekker, 2009)
The Savage Mind (Levi-Strauss, 1962, 1966)
Leon Festinger: A Biographical Memoir (Schachter, 1994)
A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance (Festinger, 1957)
When Prophecy Fails (Festinger, Riecken, Schachter, 1956, 2009)
Systems Theory in the Social Sciences (Bossel, Klaczko, Muller, 1976)
Preface to Motivational Theory (Maslow, 1943)
Quality of Life Indicators in U.S. Metropolitan Areas, 1970 (Liu, 1975)
Strategic Interaction (Goffman, 1969)
Social Indicators of Well-Being (Andrews, Withey, 1976)
Creativity: Unleashing the Forces Within (Osho, 1999)
Creativity Revealed: Discovering the Source of Inspiration (Jeffrey, 2008)
Creativity for Life (Maisel, 2007)
The Creativity Book: A Year's Worth of Inspiration and Guidance (Maisel, 2000)
The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It for Life (Tharp, 2003)
The Goffman Reader (Goffman, Lemert, Branaman, 1997)
Play Reconsidered: Sociological Perspectives on Human Expression (Henricks, 2006)
The Exuberant Animal: The Power of Health, Play and Joyful Movement (Forencich, 2006)
A Child's Work: The Importance of Fantasy Play (Paley, 1991)
Free Play: Improvisation in Life and Art (Nachmanovitch, 1990)
Creating the Creators (Gould, 1996)
The Ambiguity of Play (Sutton-Smith, 2001)
Homo Ludens (Huizinga, 2008)
Man, Play, and Games (Caillois, 2001)
Anatomy of Reality (Salk, 1983)
The Power of Play: Learning What Comes Naturally (Elkind, 2007)
The Connection Between Single Species and Ecosystems (Slobodkin, 1994)
A Conceptual Framework for Selecting and Testing Potential Social and Community Health Indicators
The Lords of Strategy: The Secret Intellectual History of the New Corporate World (Kiechel, 2010)
Concepts and Tools of Computer-assisted Policy Analysis: Vol.1 (Bossel, 1977)
Get Anyone to Do Anything (Lieberman, 2000)
Just Enough Anxiety: The Hidden Driver of Business Success (Rosen, 2008)
The Way Forward: Beyond Agenda 21 (Dodds, 1997)
Making Sustainability Work (Epstein, 2008)
Sustainability Indicators, 2nd Ed. (Bell, Morse, 2008)
Principles of Sustainability (Dresner, 2008)
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