p.9 Indeed, as Erik Allardt has noted, "The whole concept of public
welfare can be defined in terms of need-satisfaction. Social development is judged with reference to ... states of satisfaction
of needs" (Allardt, 1972)
p.9 the meaning of satisfaction as a measure of a fulfilled need.
p.78 We can imagine quite complex interactions between assessments of our
domains without becoming at all implausible. Indeed, one such more complex model is quite familiar. This is the "hierarchy
of needs" model, which suggests that certain kinds of needs are more basic than others, such that until those needs
are reasonably satisfied, it does not matter much for overall satisfaction whatever else may happen.
p.79 Or certain rather vital domains might all have to be satisfactory
in order for a person to pass the threshold and begin to derive additional pleasure from other domains.
p.499 The key question which confronts us is the degree to which satisfaction data of the types or levels
represented in this study might be taken as useful guides to public policy.
p.507 individuals and private agencies can find in materials of the kind we have
developed here information which may be quite serviceable as a guide to action and self-evaluation
in the improvement of the quality of life.
p.507 At one point and another in this volume we have described our study in the metaphor of an exploration
into unknown territory.