p.1 Suddenly, systems biology is everywhere.
p.2 The advent of high-throughput experimental technologies is forcing biologists to view cells
as systems, rather than focusing their attention on individual cellular components. Not only are high-throughput
technologies forcing the systems point of view, but they also enable us to study cells as systems.
p.2 It is thus likely that over the coming years and decades biological sciences will be increasingly
focused on the systems properties of cellular and tissue functions. These are the
properties that arise from the whole and represent biological properties. These properties are sometimes
referred to as "emergent" properties since they emerge from the whole and are not properties of the individual parts.
p.4 Evolution may be viewed as the "tuning" or "honing" of circuits to improve
performance and chances of survival.
p.5 The ability to generate detailed lists of biological components, determine their interactions, and generate
genome-wide data sets has led to the emergence of systems biology.
p.18 Some of the key features of biological networks that distinguish them from other networks need to be
accounted for in the analysis of their systemic properties. The first basic feature of biological networks is that
they evolve; they change with time. They are time variant... The second feature that has to be taken
into account is the fact that they have a sense of purpose. The fundamental purpose is survival. However, in complicated
organisms that fundamentally comprise many networks, some will have goals that are subtasks to the overall goal of survival...
linking many biological components together forms a network.
p.23 Evolution is a "tinkerer" that combines the elements at hand together in new and unpredictable
p.188 Biology, by necessity, employs a one-step look-ahead procedure, that is probabilistically based through
the generation of alternatives. Then selection follows. The engineer, by contrast, can employ a multistep look-ahead strategy.
The goal for engineering design is typically well defined as opposed to the survival objectives of cells, and different survival
strategies may succeed.
p.193 The process of evolution is fundamental to the biological sciences.
p.201 Network properties and functional states are often referred
to as emergent properties since they do not depend on the functions of any particular component, but "emerge" from
the interactions of the components functioning together.