p.1 Active CI... involves the development of intelligence on all aspects of businesses
and the competitive environment. Active CI processes are those aimed at collecting raw data and analyzing that data
to provide finished intelligence... the production of intelligence is conducted following a formal, commonly understood
process, known as the CI cycle. It is then to be used as an input to improve decision making.
p.9 Taking action: This involves using the CI in decision making. The CI may be used as an input to decision
making, or it may be the first of several steps in an overall assessment
p.24 the goal of CI is to provide the needed intelligence that will serve as a key element in decision making
p.120 the CI will be used by someone to make a decision.
p.121 control and limit the data gathering efforts to those that have the greatest likelihood of responding
to the general needs statement from your end user.
p.180 information, analysis and knowledge management might themselves be primary sources of competitive
p.243 analysis involves evaluating and interpreting the facts and raw data, thus providing finished intelligence
to support effective decision-making.
p.247 Strategic intelligence Competitive intelligence provided in support of strategic,
as distinguished from tactical, decision making.