p.1 Coherent actions stem from a coherent viewpoint on important facets of the business
p.2 Coherence is efficiency in action... When a system is coherent, virtually no energy is wasted
on achieving internal synchronization.
p.2 Use simple guiding principles. Guiding principles that work are those that are built around
basic values.
p.3 Every action is interpreted through our mental model and our actions are based on that interpretation.
p.3 Combine and recombine... Think instead of parts and wholes, components and their recombinations
- recognize the first, and you are well on your way towards finding a new second.
p.3 Create canyons, not canals. Rivers need lots of room, yet when bounded by canyon walls they
are still free to explore.
p.3 Tell stories to give others the benefit of shared experiences.
p.4 Coherent actions demand a context, which is itself coherent.
p.4 Having a coherent viewpoint will help you to determine which of many potential courses of action
you should take.
p.4 Coherence stems from identity, viewpoint and action.