p.3 Scenario planning has become a well-established concept in strategic management studies... In this literature,
the uncertainty that derives from contingencies in external variables is conceived of as the most prominent challenge for
strategic management. In response to this uncertainty, scenario development involves an exploration
of reasonably possible avenues for the future
p.4 the uncertainty of the future is considered a structural feature of the business environment... as proponents
of scenario planning posit, if there is any chance to bound the future, it is by getting a better understanding of
the environment and the causal relationships of its key variables rather than by assuming its predictability
p.13 if the situation that confronts scenario planners is framed not in terms of uncertainty that can be
remedied by additional information, but rather in terms of ambiguity... then play appears both as a plausible description
of what scenario planners might already be doing, and additionally as a normative hypothesis about what scenario planners
should optimally be doing.
p.14 we find that Roos & Victor's (1999) ["Towards a New Model of Strategy-Making as Serious Play",
European Management Journal] suggestion about strategy making may guide attempts to bring the adaptive potential of play to
bear most directly on scenario planning. Specifically, we believe that the concept of 'serious play' may provide scenario
planning with new content as well as a new process.
p.22 the case illustrates how serious play processes can involve enactment of the environment, through which
meaning is purposefully created and discovered... By playing out different alleys of emergence, ambiguity was rendered
visible through the model
p.23 our proposition to conceive of scenario planning as enactment through serious play