p.26 the power exercised on the body is conceived... as a strategy, that its effects
of domination are attributed not to 'appropriation', but to dispositions, manoeuvres, tactics, techniques,
functionings; that one should decipher in it a network of relations, constantly in tension, in activity, rather than
a privilege that one might possess; that one should take as its model a perpetual battle rather than a contract
regulating a transaction or the conquest of a territory.
p.26-27 power is exercised rather than possessed; it is... the overall effect of its strategic
positions - an effect that is manifested and sometimes extended by the position of those who are dominated. Furthermore, this
power is not exercised simply as an obligation or a prohibition on those who 'do not have it'; it invests them, is
transmitted by them and through them; it exerts pressure on them, just as they themselves, in their struggle against
it, resist the grip it has on them.
p.27 We should admit rather that power produces knowledge... that power and knowledge directly
imply one another; that there is no power relation without the correlative constitution of a field of knowledge,
nor any knowledge that does not presuppose and constitute at the same time power relations.
p.28 In short... power-knowledge, the processes and struggles that traverse it and of which it is made up...
determines the forms and possible domains of knowledge.
p.160 Power is articulated directly onto time; it assures its control and guarantees its use.
p.194 In fact, power produces; it produces reality; it produces domains of objects
and rituals of truth. The individual and the knowledge that may be gained of him belong to this production.