p.1 Throughout history, astrology has functioned symbolically
to represent Man’s attitude to and understanding of Nature. When Man disconnects himself from Nature, Self
and the Cosmos, this disconnection is made evident through a decline or dismissal of interest in astrology. This paper will
argue that the disconnection makes astrology at times seem like a ‘superstitious vulgarity’, to use St Augustine's
view of astrology. Many others over the centuries have discounted astrology in a similar manner. Yet, at other times in history,
astrology has been held in high regard and recognised to be serving an important role in reconnecting Man to Nature, Self
and the Cosmos. Given this, what are the consequences?
p.7 The emergence of individualism gave rise to horoscopic astrology.
Horoscopic astrology first appeared in Alexandria Egypt, under the occupation of the Greeks during the Hellenistic
period. The Greeks developed horoscopic astrology by combining Babylonian and Egyptian astrology. Horoscopic
astrology is a visual representation of the sky at a certain place and point in time. The belief is that the placement
of the planets at a particular time and place reflects the nature of what is born at that moment. What sets it apart from
earlier forms of astrology is the calculation of the degree rising on the Eastern horizon known as the ascendant. The
word horoscope is derived from Greek meaning “a look at the hours”.
The horoscope of the individual was the most significant
contribution made to astrology by the Greeks. The development of the individual horoscope represents the shift from
omen based astrology which was oriented towards the welfare of the collective to personal horoscopes oriented to the welfare
of the individual. This represents Man’s continuing separation from the world around him as he now begins to separate
himself from the collective. The use of Horoscopic astrology to represent the influence of the heavens on an individual’s
life spread rapidly into Europe, India and the Middle East.
p.10 The
system of astrology is just that, a system. One planet, aspect or placement cannot be analysed in an individuals’
chart out of context of its relationship to other planets, aspects and placements. In astrological analysis of charts, any
Moon sign is modified by its placement in the horoscope. The Moon sign will be modified according to which house it is found
in as well as the planets which contact it and the nature of the contacts.
p.10 While there are numerous connections and interrelationships that can be examined in this example however, they
really are too voluminous and some are also highly technical. From this example it becomes clear why astrology needs to be
examined from a systems perspective.