Copyright (c) 2012 John L. Jerz

An Introduction to Cybernetics (Ashby, 1956, 1957)

A Proposed Heuristic for a Computer Chess Program (John L. Jerz)
Problem Solving and the Gathering of Diagnostic Information (John L. Jerz)
A Concept of Strategy (John L. Jerz)
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The Case for Using Probabilistic Knowledge in a Computer Chess Program (John L. Jerz)
Resilience in Man and Machine

In October 1952, on page 4159 [of his personal journal - In March 1972, Ross made his last entry on page 7189 in notebook number 25] Ross stated the need for variety. By February 1953, he had a proof by inverse of the Law of Requisite Variety, and in November 1953, he asserted "Only variation can force variation down...". Variety and Requisite Variety were to become important themes in his second book.

Ross in his office in Stanford, 1955.

December 1960. Ross wearing his "Thinking Cap".

p.207 the variety in outcomes, if minimal, can be decreased further only by a corresponding increase in that of R... This is the law of Requisite Variety. To put it more picturesquely: only variety in R can force down the variety due to D; variety can destroy variety.
  This thesis is so fundamental in the general theory of regulation that I shall give some further illustrations
p.209 the law of Requisite Variety enables us to apply a measure to regulation.
p.211 The law of Requisite Variety says that R's capacity as a regulator cannot exceed R's capacity as a channel of communication.
  In the form just given, the law of Requisite Variety can be shown in exact relation to Shannon's Theorem 10, which says that if noise appears in a message, the amount of noise that can be removed by a correction channel is limited to the amount of information that can be carried by that channel.
  Thus, his "noise" corresponds to our "disturbance", his "correction channel" to our "regulator R", and his "message of entropy H" becomes, in our case, a message of entropy zero, for it is constancy that is to be "transmitted". Thus use of a regulator to achieve homeostasis and the use of a correction channel to suppress noise are homologous.
p.213 The formulations given in this chapter have already suggested that regulation and control are intimately related.
p.214 perfect regulation of the outcome by R makes possible a complete control over the outcome by C... The achievement of control may thus depend necessarily on the achievement of regulation. The two are thus intimately related.
p.215 In our treatment of regulation the emphasis has fallen on its property of reducing the variety in the outcome; without regulation the variety is large - with regulation it is small.
p.241 the inborn characteristics of living organisms are simply the strategies that have been found satisfactory over centuries of competition, and built into the young animal so as to be ready for use at the first demand.
p.243 If the reader feels that these studies are somewhat abstract and devoid of applications, he should reflect on the fact that the theories of games and cybernetics are simply the foundations of the theory of How to get your Own Way.
p.244 Regulation in biological systems certainly raises difficult problems... What is usually the main cause of difficulty is the variety in the disturbances that must be regulated against.
p.245 It now follows that when the system T is very large and the regulator R very much smaller (a common case in biology), the law of Requisite Variety is likely to play a dominating part. Its importance is that, if R is fixed in its channel capacity, the law places an absolute limit to the amount of regulation (or control) that can be achieved by R, no matter how R is re-arranged internally, or how great the opportunity in T... the quantity of control that he can exert is still bounded.
p.245 before Shannon's work it was thought that any channel, with a little more skill, could be modified to carry a little more information. He showed that the engineer's duty is to get reasonably near the maximum, for beyond it no-one can go. The law of Requisite Variety enforces a similar strategy on the would-be regulator and controller: he should try to get near his maximum - beyond that he cannot go.
p.247 Let us then consider the question of what constraints may occur in the disturbances that affect very large systems, and how they may be turned to use. The question is of major practical importance, for if R's capacity is not easily increased and the other methods are not possible, then the law of Requisite Variety says that the discovery of a constraint is the would-be regulator's only hope.
p.248 So many of the well-known regulations are repetitive that it is difficult to find a regulation that acts only once.
p.249 In the case when the individual disturbances each threaten the organism with death, Good in the Grand Outcome must naturally correspond to "good in every one of the individual outcomes".
p.251 we must now start to consider how a regulatory machine is actually to be designed and made.

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