p.33 It is, then, the argument of this paper that wherever the purely objective description of either
a simple or complex behavior discovers a persistence until character there we have
what behaviorism defines as purpose.
p.34 behavior exhibits purpose... whenever, in merely describing a behavior, it
is found necessary to include a statement of something either toward which or from which the behavior is
directed, there we have purpose.
p.35 Just when is it we find a statement of a "toward whichness" or of a "from whichness" thus necessary?
We find it necessary, whenever, by modifying the various attendant circumstances, we discover that the same goal is still
there and still identifying the given response. Thus, when we make minor changes in the position or nature of the
intervening objects and the behavior readjusts so as to again come to the same end object, the case is one of purpose.
p.35-36 We conclude, then, that whenever in order to describe a behavior our description has to include
that it is a function of an object toward or from which the animal is going, there we have purpose.