Copyright (c) 2013 John L. Jerz
Complexity/ Emergence
Complexity/ Emergence Resources
The Black Swan (Taleb, 2007)
Complex Adaptive Systems (Miller, Page, 2007)
Complexity (Lewin, 2000)
Complexity (Mitchell, 2009)
Complexity (Waldrop, 1992)
The Complexity Crisis (Mariotti, 2008)
Complexity Explained (Erdi, 2008)
Computational Complexity (Goldreich, 2008)
Conquering Complexity In Your Business (George, Wilson, 2004)
Dealing with Complexity (Flood, Carson, 1993)
Deep Simplicity (Gribbin, 2004)
Emergence (Bedau, Humphreys, 2008)
Emergence (Holland, 1999)
Emergence in Games (Sweetser, 2008)
A New Kind of Science (Wolfram, 2002)
Two's Company, Three is Complexity (Johnson, 2007)
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