Stand and deliver your keyboard and your mouse! Try and use another, this P-C is a louse!
Whenever our IT guys need to do work on my PC I have to drop everything I'm doing, log-off, "stand and deliver"
the PC, and let them do maintenance, for however long it takes.
Once when they were doing maintenance, I was asked if I wanted to join the IT department.
Stand and Deliver (Adam Ant/Marco Pirroni)
Stand and Deliver!
I'm the handy I-T-man who you're too scared to mention I spend my cash on chips with flash and grabbing
your attention The devil take your I-pod, oh, and your C-D collection! The way you look you'll qualify for next years
old age pension!
Stand and deliver your keyboard and your mouse! Try and use another, this P-C is a louse!
I'm the handy I-T-man so sick of my pay ration The disk that boots, and virus roots that people think
so dashing So whats the point of snobbery when nothing is worth fixing? Its kind of tough to tell a scruff the big mistake
he's making
Stand and deliver your keyboard and your mouse! Try and use another, this P-C is a louse!
And even through this scan patrol, Your P-C will be mine, all mine
We're the handy I-T-men so tired of excuses Of deep meaning philosophies where every user loses We're
the handy I-T-men and here's our invitation Throw your software overboard and join our insect nation
Stand and deliver your keyboard and your mouse! Try and use another, this P-C is a louse!
And even through this scan patrol, Your P-C will be mine, all mine
Da diddley qa qa da diddley qa qa Da diddley qa qa da diddley qa qa
Stand and deliver your keyboard and your mouse! Stand and deliver your keyboard and your mouse!