Copyright (c) 2013 John L. Jerz

N Apostrophe T (2009 version)

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A transcript was made of a recent meeting between both sides debating the current health care reform proposal.
Someone decided to set it to music and post it to the Internet. But they stole the music from a song from the Electric Company. That was a pretty bad thing for them to do. They should not have done that. What were they thinking?

C: Isn't it a lovely day?
H: No, it isn't!
C: Could you come outside and play?
H: No, I couldn't!
C: Did you hide the big tax hike?
H: No, I didn't!
C: How'd you plug the spending dike?
H: Frankly, I wouldn't!
C: Isn't, couldn't, didn't, wouldn't --
Is that all you can say?
H: Isn't, couldn't, didn't, wouldn't --
Yes, now go away!
The sweetest sound to me,
It stands for "not,"
I like it a lot,
It's spelled N apostrophe T.
C: Have you ever tried to smile?
H: No, I haven't!
C: Won't you try it for a while?
H: No, I won't!
C: Are there games with health care there?
H: No, there aren't!
C: (do ya) think the current system's fair?
H: Frankly, I don't!
C: Haven't, won't, aren't, don't --
Is that all you can say?
H: Haven't, won't, aren't, don't --
And I said, "Go away!"
Grouches all agree,
We get a glow
From saying "NO!"
With N apostrophe T.
C: Do you talk to anyone?
H: (wistfully) No, I don't.
C: Come on out and have some fun.
H: (hesitantly) No, I couldn't.
C: (can you) tell me why the cost is high?
H: (apologetically) No, I can't.
C: Will it kill you just to try?
H: (wanting to) Well... I shouldn't.
C: Don't, couldn't, can't, shouldn't --
Now try it once my way!

H: Do!
C: Could!
H: Could!
C: Can!
H: Can!
C: Should!
H: Should!

C: Hey, that feels okay!
H: So come along with me
and give it a try
C: I'm saying goodbye
To N apostrophe
C: N apostrophe
Both: N apostrophe T!

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