Deficits Too Big
You come to spend more, you cannot refuse
You say you're the fix my dear well I got news
that's such
def-i-cit you know oh merciful heaven
Deficit is a trillion and seven
Oh deficits too big watch how it grows
deficits too big I don't need ya cause
deficits too big trust
me baby
deficits are too big
How many are we? I'll give you a clue
There are a trillion of us - me your deficits and you
From your check-book up I say you sure are neat
But from there down there's no bal-ance-sheet
Oh deficits too big watch how it grows
deficits too big don't need ya cause
deficits too big trust
me honey
deficits too big
Your spending (by some degrees) really is colossal heh heh heh heh
We all sort of lose when budgets don't
Well I, maybe you can shrink it pinch by precious pinch
But look at that balance there and say a prayer for us
This debt is a brontosaurus
Oh deficits too big don't get angry
But deficits too big don't want to offend ya
but deficits too
big actually
there just about right for someone your size
One never knows, do one?