p.1 the Brundtland report... defined [sustainable development] as
development that "meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs".
p.3 Environmental economists define sustainability in terms
of non-depletion of capital.
p.14 [Ted] Benton argues that each form of social life does indeed have its own specific material
constraints and limits. However, it is possible to adopt social and technical strategies to deal with these
p.84-85 Cambridge economics professor Partha Dasgupta... goes on to ask
the question "What should be sustained?" He says that sustaining current well-being is not a coherent answer
because current well-being is not a given... Dasgupta... thinks a better approach would be to look at the total well-being
of future generations over different paths of development.
p.89 Critical natural capital includes only those aspects of the ecosphere known to be vital for the maintenance
of the Earth's life support systems.
p.91 Environmental utilisation space (or environmental space) is a concept which reflects that at
any given point in time, there are limits to the amount of pressure that the earth's ecosystem can handle without irreversible
damage to these systems or to the life support processes that they enable. This suggests to search for the appropriate
threshold levels beyond which actual environmental systems might become damaged in the sense indicated above, and to regard
this set of deductively determined critical values as the operational boundaries of the environmental space...
p.143 Sustainability is concerned with the positive freedom of people in future generations to be
able to meet their needs.
p.179 There appear to be reasons in principle why we cannot have sufficient
information or foresight to design institutions that can successfully deal with very complicated reflexive problems... We
know something about the principles that would underlie sustainability and it is possible to suggest measures that would move
us in its direction, but reflexivity [JLJ - from Wikipedia, Reflexivity refers to circular relationships between
cause and effect. A reflexive relationship is bidirectional; with both the cause and the effect affecting one another in a
situation that renders both functions causes and effects] means that it is impossible to draw up a detailed blueprint
of a sustainable society or even of the route to get to it.