Copyright (c) 2013 John L. Jerz

Creativity Revealed: Discovering the Source of Inspiration (Jeffrey, 2008)
A Proposed Heuristic for a Computer Chess Program (John L. Jerz)
Problem Solving and the Gathering of Diagnostic Information (John L. Jerz)
A Concept of Strategy (John L. Jerz)
Books/Articles I am Reading
Quotes from References of Interest
Satire/ Play
Viva La Vida
Quotes on Thinking
Quotes on Planning
Quotes on Strategy
Quotes Concerning Problem Solving
Computer Chess
Chess Analysis
Early Computers/ New Computers
Problem Solving/ Creativity
Game Theory
Favorite Links
About Me
Additional Notes
The Case for Using Probabilistic Knowledge in a Computer Chess Program (John L. Jerz)
Resilience in Man and Machine


"Scott Jeffrey has been a crucial part of my development as an author. But now, having just read Creativity Revealed, I finally understand how he has been able to guide me so successfully. In this unprecedented book, Scott reveals the facts about creativity's own origins. Perhaps of greater significance, however, he explains how I can at last begin to harness the creative impulse. Unexplained bursts of energy and fleeting thoughts now hold new meaning. I will read this book again ... immediately." --Andy Andrews, New York Times Bestselling Author, The Traveler's Gift

"Creativity Revealed will simply transform the way you think. Both inspiring and provocative, its applications in business and every other field are endless." --Julie Gardner, Chief Marketing Officer, Kohl's Department Stores

"Creativity: the most precious gift you can give yourself and those you love. The principles contained herein will change your understanding of the true nature of reality. Creativity Revealed is for layperson and scientist alike. No matter what your calling, gaining a deeper understanding of how to set the conditions necessary to unleash creativity will change your life in wonderful ways you can't predict." --Nathaniel R. Quick, PhD, Physicist Inventor of LightGenTM & PowerGenTM Glass, Chief Technology Officer, Inflect

Product Description

Whether you realized the subtle revolution or not, you have become a citizen of The Creative Age. Look around. You are surrounded by, and chances are you have even become, one of them the Creative Professional who thinks for a living. They are the modern-day Socrates; the contemporary DaVincis immersed in an amalgamation of commerce, ideas and information. They are business executives, marketers, technologists, educators, designers, managers, small business owners, organizational leaders, psychologists, writers, speakers, coaches and consultants. They are us. And, just as the inhabitants of the Industrial Age sought to expand their knowledge of innovation and transportation to capitalize on and contribute to society, we too must tap the sources of creativity that exist within us if we indeed, hope not only to survive but exponentially thrive in this, The Creative Age. Today's challenge is clear: Are we prepared to unpack the true source of creativity and dive into the real reasons some people seem more creative than others? Better yet, if we aren't highly creative, are we willing to adopt an understanding that will allow us to prosper and labor equally along side today's Knowledge Workers? Author and mind voyager Scott Jeffrey personally escorts us through contemporary and relevant research into the nature of consciousness and offers think tools designed to amplify our thoughts and awaken our creativity.

p.6 This book is written for the Creative Professional - today's knowledge worker who thinks for a living.
p.14 The external world is translated for our internal experience via perception.
p.34 A paradigm can be so dominant and pervasive that it falls below our awareness, while still influencing and limiting the way we think or perceive reality. This leads to what we might call "paradigm blindness"
p.35 Discovery often means simply the uncovering of something which has always been there but was hidden from the eye by the blinkers of habit.
p.70 The mind deals strictly in symbols and concepts, often mistaking the symbol for the real thing. To understand consciousness, you must look beyond the symbol to what the symbol represents.
p.131 When preconceived notions, limiting beliefs, and negative emotions like fear are held in abeyance - when we are of sound mental health - creativity unfolds as a natural occurrence.
  Consider how radical this concept is: creativity is our natural state, not an anomaly that arises from time to time.
p.201 We are evolving into the "Creative Age," where our ability to solve problems and innovate is becoming more important than ever. The Creative Professional represents a growing breed of knowledge workers who "think" for a living.
p.201 Our perception of reality is NOT Reality itself. We very rarely see things as they are; through the mind's perceptual lens, we see only our interpretations of "events." which generally leads to false assumptions and limiting beliefs.
p.205 The ego, with its constant wanting, craving, and desires, is constantly anticipating the next moment. It thrives on busyness, mistaking it for "business." The ego is the main block to the creative impulse. The four primary tools of the ego are positions, judgments, opinions, and attachments. In understanding these mechanisms, we are able to transcend them. The practice of nonattachment allows us to operate in the world without the ego's wants and desires.
p.241 Material reductionism (a dominant belief in the world of science and academia), says that if you can't see it or measure it, it isn't real.

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