Copyright (c) 2013 John L. Jerz
Chess Theory Resources
The ABCs of Chess, In: Chess Life and Review (Kaplan, 1978)
The Art of Planning in Chess (McDonald, 2006)
The Art of Positional Play (Reshevsky, 1976, 2002)
Basic Chess Endings (Fine, Benko, 2003)
Best Lessons of a Chess Coach (Weeramantry, Eusebi, 1993)
Can you be a Positional Chess Genius? (Dunnington, 2002)
Chess Fundamentals (Capablanca, 1921, 1934)
Chess Middlegame Planning (Romanovsky, 1990)
Dan Heisman
Elements of Positional Evaluation, 1990 edition (Heisman)
Elements of Positional Evaluation, 3rd edition 1999 (Heisman)
Excelling at Positional Chess (Aagaard, 2003)
Improve Your Positional Chess (Hansen, 2004)
Inside the Chess Mind (Aagaard, 2004)
Magic (Moody, 2007)
The Middle Game in Chess (Znosko-Borovsky, 1980)
The Morals of Chess (Benjamin Franklin, 1786)
More Simple Chess (Emms, 2004)
My System (Nimzowitsch, 2007)
Play Like a Grandmaster (Kotov, 1978)
Positional Chess (Taulbut, 2004)
Positional Chess Handbook (Gelfer, 1991)
Positional Ideas in Chess (Love, 1992)
Positional Play (Dvoretsky, Yusupov, 1996)
Practical Chess Analysis: A Systematic Method for Analyzing (Buckley, 1999)
A Primer of Chess (Capablanca, 1935, 1963)
Questions of Modern Chess Theory (Lipnitsky, 2008)
School of Chess Excellence 3 Strategic Play Progress in Chess (Dvoretsky, 2002)
Secrets of Chess Training (Dvoretsky, 1991)
Secrets of Positional Chess (Marovic, 2003)
Simple Chess (Emms, 2001)
Simple Chess (Stean, 2002)
Think Like a Grandmaster (Kotov, 1971, 1995)
Winning Chess Strategies (Seirawan, 2003, 2005)
Winning Chess Tactics (Robertie, 1996)
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