Copyright (c) 2013 John L. Jerz
Wargaming/ Strategic Intelligence
Wargaming/ Strategic Intelligence resources
The Art and Science of Business Intelligence Analysis, Part A (Gilad, Herring, 1996)
The Art and Science of Business Intelligence Analysis, Part B (Gilad, Herring, 1996)
Backcasting as a Tool in Competitive Analysis (Wang, Guild, 1995)
Ben Gilad in the News
Ben Gilad's Business War Games
Business and Competitive Analysis (Fleisher, Bensoussan, 2007)
Business Intelligence and Espionage (Greene, 1966)
The Business Intelligence System (Gilad, Gilad, 1988)
Business Blindspots (Gilad, 1994)
Business War Games (Gilad, 2009)
Business Wargames (James, 1984, 1985)
Business Wargaming (Oriesek, Schwarz, 2008)
Chief Executives Define Their Own Data Needs (Rockart, 1979)
Competitive Intelligence (Salmon, Linares, 1999)
Competitive Inteligence (West, 2001)
Competitive Intelligence for the Competitive Edge (Dutka, 1999)
Competitive Intelligence: Gathering, Analysing and Putting It to Work (Murphy, 2005)
Competitive Intelligence Advantage (Sharp, 2009)
Competitive Intelligence (Kahaner, 1997)
The Complete Guide to Competitive Intelligence (Tyson, 2002)
Controversies in Competitive Intelligence: The Enduring Issues (Fleisher, Blenkhorn, 2003)
Dealing With Real-World Complexity (Hurlimann, 2007)
Early Warning (Gilad, 2004)
The Financial Times Guide to Analysis For Managers (Bensoussan, Fleisher, 2009)
From Knowledge to Intelligence (Rothberg, Erickson, 2005)
Games for Society, Business, and War: Towards a Theory of Gaming (Shubik, 1975)
Gaming the "System of Systems" (Haffa, Patton, 1998)
Hyperformance: Using Competitive Intelligence for Better Strategy and Execution (Waters, 2010)
Managing Frontiers in Competitive Intelligence (Fleisher, Blenkhorn, 2001)
The Manager's Guide to Competitive Intelligence (McGonagle, Vella, 2003)
Military Simulation (Wikipedia)
On the Planning Crisis: Systems Analysis of the 'First and Second Generations' (Rittel, 1972)
Proven Strategies in Competitive Intelligence (Prescott, Miller, 2001)
The Secret Language of Competitive Intelligence (Fuld, 2010)
Strategic and Competitive Analysis (Fleisher, Bensoussan, 2002)
Strategic Intelligence (Liebowitz, 2006)
U.S. Army Field Manual 34-3 (1990)
U.S. Army Field Manual 34-2-1 (1991)
U.S. Army Field Manual 34-2 (1994)
Wargaming for Leaders (Herman, Frost, Kurz, 2009)
The War Game: A Critique of Military Problem Solving (Brewer, Shubik, 1979)
War Gaming Decisions: The Newest Risk Management Tool (Gilad, 2006)
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